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Everything posted by stony

  1. Yeah, the spot a kick-of specialist is taking on game days is the spot of a guy who was gonna be wearing street clothes on Sundays anyhow. It doesn't bother me at all.
  2. Ej is gonna shred the Bears secondary, and then we'll have two threads saying how preseason means squat and Marrone is a genius. Just wait.
  3. Me too. Joe B isn't my cup of tea. I don't really buy his analysis because it always seems like he's reaching for the perfect word to finish every sentence. People do that when they need to sound smarter than they are.
  4. This made me laugh. College? Take me with you...
  5. Sounds like the Giants a few years back with Coughlin and the Ravens w/ Harbaugh two years ago. Numerous reports of unrest and internal conflict. They both won the Super Bowl...soooo, I'm thinking all of this will be forgotten when EJ is lifting the Lombardi come February.
  6. IDK, I'm getting closer to the point where I prefer a good butt-whooping to a close loss based on a 99yd pick-six.
  7. Big difference between running the huddle and coaching a QB who "sees" things differently than you do. It would be a disaster of a hire.
  8. I can't believe Kidd leveraged that half-azz coaching debut of a season into a position w/ the Bucks where he'll have autonomy over roster decisions.
  9. That's a good point that's been overlooked. Starting with the Giants game, he's probably placed far more expectations on pre-season performance than he would've liked. That's on him. But then again, if he came out and said the pre-season doesn't matter, he'd be hearing it from the other half that claims the Bills need to be "building a winner" from day 1. Tough choice. Either way, his disposition towards the media has given the appearance that there's unsettled waters over at OBD, real or imagined.
  10. Being a sports fan is a hobby. It sucks that it's been 14 years, but if you can enjoy it then by all means I think it's great. The majority of Bills fans (dare I say 90%) seem to fit in this category. But when your displeasure with a product has hit a level where the need to incessantly complain about it outweighs the pleasure you can derive from it, well then it might be time for a change. Going to pay and watch this product in person, and then boo it, well I just don't see the point.
  11. People taking this personally need to seriously adjust their perspective on life. Stat.
  12. Yeah, I think management would love to bring a guy in who's heart isn't in the game anymore. Championship!
  13. Amen. Never understood it either. The sight (or sound) of grown men booing other grown men always seemed a bit strange in my book. Especially if you're going to games because it's something you enjoy doing. The same people booing are the same people here saying how bad the Bills are and have been. So it's kind of like, what did you expect.
  14. I am so glad I was at the Travers this weekend and missed the game. Yup...
  15. Probably the worst part about it, too. It does nothing, makes the fans look stupid and evidently pisses players off. It's a real lose lose situation. But by all means, if you're a paying customer…
  16. I'm sure Pegula will be on board with that. I can see the look on his face when the trust says, hey you're winning the bidding process at $890, do you want to pull that bid and buy the team for 1.2 billion?
  17. By years end or by next season, the Bills might have got three new starters to the Oline in this draft. Whether or not they planned this (they didn't) is up for debate, but who cares. But if Henderson can play RT, Richardson wins a G spot and Cyrus is moved inside, the team could have a talented Oline for a very long time.
  18. He's been talked about lining up there. We obviously haven't seen it much because he's skipped everything and is in the coach's doghouse. But it's been mentioned.
  19. Chicago is fine with me. Not like EJ was going to throw it to him anyway. Hey ohhhhhh…buddum tisch... In all seriousness, if he can practice w/o pain, I don't see the rush to get him back out in these games. We're lucky it wasn't something more serious.
  20. Why would he if he ever wants info again? You don't blow your sources identity. FWIW, I think TG is spot on in most cases with his info. A lot of thin skinned people don't like his interactions on Twitter and what not, but he's no dummy looking for clicks as some point out.
  21. Mario alone shouldn't be responsible for the run-stopping problems. Just like this season, when it's bound to improve markedly, he shouldn't get all the props when it's a success.
  22. I think that's kind of an urban myth, so to speak. Good teams find a way to keep some players while letting others go. Thing is, most of them probably have good QBs.
  23. So you're saying the perceived media bias won't have an impact on the actual game? What gives?
  24. It's amazing how people won't ask questions or look the way when they collectively benefit from something. He's truly a modern day Carnegie or Rockefeller, except his philanthropic efforts include rebuilding an entire city.
  25. Happy drunks are fun. Can't wait until we can party with 70,000 of our closest friends during the celebration drunk phase.
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