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Everything posted by stony

  1. The Luck, Winston comparison is ridiculous IMO. Same player, just a maturity question...hmmm. Wasn't that the same thing they once said about Manning and Leaf?
  2. Rex always had good to great defenses (all him). He single handily made Revis into a mythological creature. He fosters an intense loyalty amongst his players that I haven't seen in recent times. I truly get the sense his players feel like crap not that he got canned. His GM traded picks and players to grab Sanchez. Bad idea. His other GM drafted Geno seemingly against his wishes and forced him on him. See above. The same GM did nothing for the roster (Richardson selection aside) in two full seasons at the helm. Yes, Rex can be bad at clock management from time to time. The same can be said for nearly ever coach in the league. They all mess it up. But I'd take him any day of the week.
  3. Hw won't. He made the statement during the press conference where he stated he will never talk about his contract. Point blank, period.
  4. I'd be snarky after 17 weeks of looking at Bucky and Jerry in the front row. Seriously, I give him props for being so controlled in his responses. I think his rambling answers to simple questions is simply a tactic to take up time and keep the questions the boneheads get to ask to a minimum.
  5. Or could you about Brady? New contract restructure means the team can dump him come spring much easier. It's even got NE fanboy Bill Simmons' panties in a bunch...
  6. Not sure I agree. How eager is a guy making millions for a few hours a week on TV to return to the grind of an NFL schedule? Plus, Cowher's offenses would be considered stone-age by today's standards. I'll pass as a head coach, sign on for as a consultant.
  7. I'm pretty neutral on them but if asked to rate them I'd say they're sub-par at best. Reasons... -voices made for print -Time. If your aren't a transcendent talent, 10+ years in a mid-size market is too long IMO. And these guys are transcendent in terms of talent. Their shtick has gotten stale. -interactions with callers. What's the point of taking callers if a caller ends his/her take and you dimly say "ok" and move on to the next caller rinse, wash repeat. That's bad, awkward radio IMO. -Rambling, incoherent points. We know who I'm talking about. -I've got no problem if the host is kinda a di#k. Just let this not be your overriding attribute. -Callers and listeners are what brings the advertisers in which in return pays your salary. Seem like you enjoy your job once in a while. These are a few things I've picked up on over the years. I'll be honest, with work and what not, I don't get a chance to listen much anymore so these might be a bit dated. If so, my apologies.
  8. That is correct. Division wins are 1, AFC wins are 2 and NFC wins are 3 if ranked in importance.
  9. What are we arguing about? You said it yourself, Eric Wood is a "line-stud."
  10. I don't profess to have a PhD in line-study as some do. But when I think of the problems that plague this team, Eric Wood isn't one of them.
  11. No joke, Chris Simms is an outstanding analyst. He'll be a pleasant surprise for everyone if they haven't heard his work yet. Very knowledgeable and was actually one of the few national guys who thought the Bills had a chance of being good early in the year. I'm excited he's calling the game.
  12. I'm indifferent on him, but what do you suggest as an alternative? Surely Orton is not the answer. I highly doubt Bradford leaves SL. RG3? It's slim pickings out there.
  13. Right, but the Colts brought a retired Kerry Collins out of retirement. Repeat that sentence and tell me this was not a 100% tank job. Irsay, brilliantly I might add, put the onus on losing to such an extent Caldwell would not be able to overcome the on the field product. It also put him in a position to get rid of Polian and not face much of a backlash from the fan-base. And the main reason I think he won't be a HC next season.
  14. Well, here's a case of when an omission of a certain fact helps paint an entirely different picture. You don't think not having arguably the best QB of all time had anything to do with this?
  15. I dream of sleeping with super models, but if they all have warts is it really worth it? None of the teams out there should attract him if he really has dreams of winning the Super Bowl anytime soon.
  16. I've wanted to point stuff like this out, but it's sacrilege around here. Bruce had 3 sacks and 12 tackles per game you know...
  17. I don't think so. We've seen these plays get flagged all the time. Right or wrong. Obviously Jerry's would be an indictment on Schwartz and not Wood's, but if this cost us the game in any way, it's a bad look on Schwartz IMO. Go back a week and look at the stupid hit by Graham, a play that hurt us down the stretch. Teams know damn well Schwartz coached teams have a propensity for dumb fouls (not sure, but wasn't he the DC for Haynesworth?)
  18. It's hits like Jerry's on Bulaga that will keep Schwartz from getting calls to a be a HC this off-season. He instructs his players to play right on the edge. The hit was legal, but the intent was to lay the dude out hard. We didn't get called on it (don't know why we would, but we see that call all the time) but the Denver game is a perfect example of guys pushing the limit and being flagged for it. This is a good thing to have in a DC (I think), but not as a head coach. Detroit wins close games and doesn't take half as many dumb penalties as they did last year. Hopefully FOs remember this so he stays our DC for a couple of years.
  19. Debbie Downer Insight of the Day: Did anyone see the blown coverage (second one) on Jordy Nelson when Rambo picked off Rodgers? Holy crap, he was open lol. It feels good to dodge a few bullets now and then.
  20. 95% of the Packers fans I interacted with yesterday were great. Same ratio for Bills fans. I think the thing is, most of the Pack fans were local folk who expected to lay a whooping on the Bills. Sadly for them this did not happen, and many were left looking like whiny bee-atches after all their pre-game boastings.
  21. I'm indifferent on Cutler (kinda like his attitude towards the game), but it makes sense for the Bills to go "all-in" if they think they can get an above average QB this offseason. Competitive windows on both sides of the ball stay open for 4-5 years or so unless you have a stud QB. We do not, and we won't be getting one. So they may as well try to get someone serviceable back there so we don't waste our defense.
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