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Everything posted by BillsBackersChicago

  1. Big Cat, we can argue this all we want on the hottest Bills podcast on the information super highway, "Bills and Beers" which you can find on facebook and is available on itunes...yup shameless plug. BUT, didn't we see what happens when a big man tries to pick up rather than fall on a football already this season?
  2. Definitely Mike Williams, #3 in the draft, and we've never picked that high since, and oh, we haven't had a franchise quarterback in a long time. I don't even know who was available that year, but anyone would have been better than MW. I was stoked about the pick, although, right after they drafted him someone on NFLN said how they thought it was a great pick, but their only concern was how players at Texas were babied and as a result were not ready for the real world of the NFL. THis is why I don't listen to commentary after a pick any more. At least our new williams brothers are making up for that gaffe.
  3. I am fine with any CB combo as long as it does not involve Rogers. and yes, I know he is no longer on the team....his ghost haunts me.
  4. Dude, you are an F-ing embarassment to Bills fans, NFL fans, and americans everywhere. When a girl comes at you angry, swinging, even hitting you, you walk away while telling the people she is with to get her away from you. If that doesn't work you push her away..if that doesn't work you grab her and put her in a bear hug so she can't hit you anymore and call for anyone to control this crazy lady. That's what any man with a grain of sense does. You don't clock the girl (unless you are a murderer who finds and brings a knife to a fist fight). I just went off on this guy on FB for being a classless piece of crap and I was sure that Bills fans would never be so ignorant, fat and stupid as to punch a 105 pound girl in the face. Feminism for better or worse was about women taking their equal and justified spot in society, just like civil rights in the 60's. Anyone who tarnishes that by saying that is justification for a man who is 2 times the size of a woman punching her in the face is not just ignorant, but downright pitiful. Are there feminist zealots? yes. Are there zealots in every other societal group in the world, yes. Does that mean they represent the majority of people who stand for the cause? No! If a man hits another man half his size who posed no serious threat to the bigger guy it is unjustified. There are other ways to handle yourself in civilized society. I expect nothing more from a drunk, fat, ignorant jests fan, but I expect more from you and the rest of Bills Nation. Live in a civilized way. Its a damn football game that in no way impacts your life in a meaningful way. Don't get so damn drunk that you do something that has no place in a 20th century educated, 1st world democracy. Have some damn class.
  5. ha ha! Just looked back over the locked threads and sure enough you started the exact same thread. No worries I'm sure this one will get locked up soon enough, wouldn't want to have TOO MUCH positive banter on a bills board. I officially proclaim you co-author of this thread.
  6. I agree, but in my defense, I said, solid....MAYBE stud. Should probably just stop using that word in general, huh.
  7. Just responding to the points above, Agree on QB, although I think the blunder was in keeping dead weight on the 53 man roster which preventing them from keeping another player on the team. That being said, Lewis was there and learning the playbook if/when we needed him, which we did. THAT being said, he wasn't activated for the cleveland game so him being around didn't help us very much. Also, he was a complete unknown so there was no assurance that he would be even a reasonable NFL level player. Prob could have kept Leinart around if we needed someone with atleast an NFL head (albeit probably not an NFL arm). GUARD: Competely agree with you on the guard situation, letting Levitre walk without a plan for serviceable replacement AND backup was irresponsible and significantly hampers your QBs development. Punter: Disagree, I think, but I'm not sure what your getting at. I am GLAD they let him go. He was stinkin up the place the entire season. Good for a shank punt a game. Even while declining, Moorman didn't perform as poorly as his "replacement" was this season Rogers: Agree, but was there anyone else on the roster available to play? I'm pretty sure in the course of that game, he was the only option. Lewis: No canonization (nice 5 star word, by the way), but he has outperformed my expectations
  8. For all the crap that the front office gets (much of it deserved…2 kickers, no guards, no DBs, too many QBs and WRs during the offseason, and now we have thad lewis, matt Flynn and Dennis Dixon as our available QBs, and Hogan is our clutch 3rd down receiver), I thought I would highlight some of the positive side. I am only mentioning the activity in the last year with the “change of guard” BUT, lets just take a peek at the new members of this team. Coaching HC: Marrone: I have no problems with what I see from Marrone, other than sometimes I feel like he tells the media TOO MUCH, and then has to back track on his statements when things don’t work out the way he thought they would. Things could be worse DC: Pettine: stud OC: Hackett: Not a stud, likely too green, but Marrone is the head behind the offense, so likely to improve. Granted, if possible it would be interesting to see what we could have done if Gailey stayed on as OC with pettine as DC. ST: neutral: positive based exclusively on Easley’s ridiculous kickoff coverage, but punt coverage has been a hot mess the past two games. Now to the draft (not mentioning everyone): EJ: We’ll see but potential Woods: Stud so far, but really interesting to see him disappear when stevie was gone…granted, EJ was gone as well Kiko: Stud so far Goodwin: Pretty damn amazing in limited action Hopkins: all signs point to good when he shows up, more on this later Gragg: not bad for a 7th round pick Ok, now the free agent/trade market including UFA Lawson: Solid Hughes: solid, maybe even stud Carpenter: Stud so far, Hopkins may be bad ass, but he’s gonna have to work to get his job back Thad Lewis: Maybe not Jim Kelly, but sure happy we have him now. Jim Leonard: Pretty damn studly so far. Kolb: Was a good idea at the time with who was available, assumption was they could keep him upright, they were wrong, injury allowed us to see more of EJ for better for worse at his stage of development. Byrd: I know it was messy and has burnt us so far, but still glad to have him on the team. Aaron Corp, D’arick Rogers: Seemed like good ideas at the time, no major loss Now who did we lose: Fitzy: I love him for what he was, a great backup, and yes, it sure would be nice to have him here to play backup with all the injuries, especially since it only saved us 3 million, and we are still paying him the ridiculous salary the old regime gave him. All in all not a huge loss to avoid QB controversy and move on from the old. Tarvaris Jackson: Yeah, it would be interesting to see what he could do with this offense, but no guarantees based on his previous play that he is any better than the unknown lewis, and the assumption at his release was we were getting rookies and veterans at QB Levitre: Yeah, we definitely miss him. Would have been nice to have the continuity, especially for a run happy team with a rookie QB, but at some point, you have to draw a line in the sand for what you want to pay your guard. Not all your players can be the highest paid at their positions Lindell: good bill, but isn’t it nice to not assume that our kicker CAN’T kick a FG past 45 yards? Powell: about time, welcome back Moorman if for no other reason, my Number 8 jersey is kickin’ it once again! Point is, that’s not a bad body of work for the first year in charge. Granted, the next few years may not have as much turnover, but I am pretty happy with the roster changes. Young team, tons of potential. Will it pan out? As a Bills fan, I say no, but looking at it objectively, there’s a lot of upside to look forward to.
  9. So is rogers injured or is this just reflective of his performance? Does this mean goodwin is back? Gilmore? (Pretty sure he's still out, no?). Also looks like we finally get to see what byrd can do in limited action.
  10. Well, they don't lie. HA! Sorry. Carry on.
  11. Stop lolzing around amd bring ur ass to the station. This is clearly bad juju.
  12. Well put. Still very excited about the win and the hope for the future, but we shouldn't get ahead of ourselves. Then again, we're Bills fans, we get to savor and celebrate every sweet moment like its our last... Cause, well, it just might be! I think one thing different this year is that our team is full of rookies and young players and coaches that seem to be just scratching the surface of thie talent potential. Time will tell, but if we don't get our hopes up, how can we brutally crushed when things fall apart. As far as I'm concerned, that's part and parcel of being a bills fan!
  13. actually it was not a poorly thrown ball, if you watch the replay, stevie held up his route to turn and look for the ball (probably old habit getting balls from Fitz that were almost never properly timed). EJ threw the ball while he was running in stride. Had he not held up his route it would have hit him right on point and would not have looked like it was slightly over thrown. Even still, that is a ball that a #1 wide receiver on a NFL team should make. I have nothing against Stevie, in fact I am a big fan of his and what he does for the team, but that one was on him.
  14. Taking my little girl on her first trip to the local backers bar tomorrow. I made this tonight for her debut. She just turned one. Let it begin! Mods please delete. Can't get my pic to upload on my ipad.
  15. As someone who lives in Chicago with a lakefront stadium that gets used year round for other sports, concerts, etc. I can tell u that the stadium draws a lot of action to the area. The stadium is next to a an amazing natural history museum, a beautiful picturesque aquarium practically on top of the water and a lakefront concert venue that overlooks the Chicago on one side and Lake Michigan on the other. This is not including the amazing parks and lakefront paths that wind through the whole area. It can work. You just need politicians and developers with the right vision (and the money to make that vision a reality... I recognize that that last statement does not necessarily apply to b-town)
  16. Why couldn't we just resign Lindell? At least we know what we get with him. Or is it assumed that carpenter is better than Lindell?
  17. Best post of the day. You win the internet for the next 15 minutes.
  18. Was just reading this thread and found this link. On a side note, did we really release crezdon butler and zebrie sanders when we are so thin at guard and CB? Leinart no surprise. http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap1000000233304/article/roster-cuts-for-all-32-nfl-teams
  19. True, but man, this organization has a new level of class in the way they handle themselves that I really am enjoying. From EJ answering questions with yes, sir or no, sir and being incredibly polished yet approachable, to Kolb being the ever professional in the way he approaches the competition, to even Marquise goodwin putting his team in front of himself when receiving praise for his Marrone's comment on Hackett's vomit statement has to be the classiest dressdown I've ever heard ""First off, as far as the comment, obviously, I'm quite different than Coach Hackett in how I express myself," Marrone said. "I think as coaches we need to be careful of what we say. I said that to Nathaniel and I said that to the team. I think we all knew what he meant but, again, in this day and age, not everybody that’s involved in the game in football, truly understands that. We want to be true professionals in how we represent our sport." Makes me and my momma proud. Classy as a penguin wearing tap shoes!
  20. Hey, i'm on my phone so i could only check the first page of tsw to see if anyone else had posted this. But this is a pretty great article about the guy who designed the current bills logo which apparently turns 40 this year. Guy passed away last year and it sounds like the logo was one of his proudest achievements of his life. Good stuff. Link: http://www.gazettes.com/sports/wilson/feature-long-beach-man-designed-buffalo-bills-logo/article_0368d5d8-d9f0-11e2-903c-0019bb2963f4.html If that doesn't work its on the tbd newsfeed.
  21. Isnt that what being a bills fan is all about? At least lately.
  22. Its 2am where i am, and i definitely need to be back at work early, but i had to share this. Watching NFLN top 10 snakebitten franchises. Initial outrage at the Bills being #10. All of the commentary was essentially "if they are 10, who the hell is 1-9!!" I think it must have been made before this ridiculous playoff drought... Regardless, the reason i'm posting is because of a quote i heard about the Jets, at #8. A jests fan comedian said something about the jests that we all could share about the Bills, so I have edited his quote to put "Bills" where he said "Jests" ...enjoy, and i welcome ur comments. The quote: "When i was young, i loved the Bills, but then when i grew up i was more into girls, but then when i got older i loved the Bills again, because i learned that there are times that a girl won't F^€K you, but the Bills? The Bills will always F^€K you every time." That **** is poetry to THIS Bills Fan!!
  23. did you just say, "mad shady"? i'm just sayin.
  24. How dare you, sir, where are your priorities...
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