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Everything posted by BuffaloWest

  1. Luis Castillo SUCKS...Total bust first rounder. Look at his stats. He is a DE who has averaged under 3 sacks a year his entire career! Trust me-I follow The Chargers and this guy sucks-very soft...He sucked even when he was playing with very good linemen in San Diego between 2005-2009 and he did nothing . PASS!
  2. You know I never heard much about this guy after he went #1 in 2006. I went and looked at hiss numbers , and I wasnt that impressed. His best sack total was 14, and that was like five seasons ago. He isnt worth $15 Million! You could sign two excellent players for that much. You could get Vincent Jackson for $9-$10 million a year.
  3. Couple's name is being thrown around here in San Diego too, and we are hearing the same knocks on him out here on sports radio 1090Am...he seems unmotivated, a combine freak, but in real game situations there appears to be concern he would bust. Bills need to go with the safest bet possible. Upshaw looks like a safe bet
  4. That is insane...Everyone says it is affordable housing in Buffalo-they are, but the taxes are horrid and make the prices really the same as other places deemed super expensive-like California..That house in California would be 2 million, but the taxes on this house over thirty years takes the price up to $1,220,000!!!!. NYS just plain sucks.They are like a dysfunctional old dinasaur of a company still operating like GM before they almost folded in 2009...Bethlehem Steel in the 1970's -same thing with NYS...NYS cannot sustain the model they run within.It will eventually comecrashing down-pretty soon too, unless they chnage the whole state sytem of taxes , unions, pension etc...
  5. If the team stays as a result of Wilson having a "secret" succession plan that keeps the team in Buffalo he deserves to have a giant bronze statue erected in his honor and a street named after him-He is a man of honor and one to be respected forever. If he leaves the city out to dry with no regard or concern about what happens to the team after he dies , he should be burned in effigy on a yearly basis in a sort of "Burning Man" festival held at the once sacred ground formerly known as "Rich Stadium". His bust should be stolen from Canton and every Bills fan should have it for one day to do whatever they feel appropriate to it, This and his family will be pranked called daily, have their houses egged, toilet papered and that trick with the burning bag of dog poo!
  6. Carter does not deserve to get in the hall before Reed! How many Superbowls did Carter play in? How many NFC Championship games, How many meaningful playoff games?...That stuff matters. Also carter was pretty much the only threat,or go to guy in Minnesota before Moss arrived, same in Philly. Reed was splitting catches time with Thurman Thomas, James Lofton both Hall Of Famers, not to mention Beebe, and a handful of other decent receivers and tight ends. His catches may be fewer, but his catches mattered more. You're high. Reed gets in first, plus if you want to talk about babies-Carter is considered oen of the biggest dikwadz in the NFL. He was a wife beater for god's sake! Stupid thread. What the one time when he threw his helmet down in Minnesota during the Superbowl? Yeah-That game was already over at that point and he was The ONLY guy catching the ball that day for The Bills. He was a winner and leader and never did anything off the field to get in trouble like carter who was arrested for beating his wife. Reed gets in ahead of Carter. Carter is more on people's radar becuase he is on ESPN, but most writers and voters think it is Reed who goes in first (if any of the three get in at all).
  7. Too bad...he was an Orchard Park Quaker just like me! Got to love the local kids. Too bad we get Corto Instead of Gronk, Kaleta instead of Patrick Cain. (Althouugh Kaleta was nails against Bruins last night!)
  8. The guy is a meathead, but no way on earth they trade him-He's damn good and was injured. The shirtless thing was pretty lame-That was definitely The "Buffalo" in him coming out! Only tools from Buffalo and New jersey pull lame stunts like that! Stay Classy.
  9. Tiger Woods is one of the biggest D-Bagz of all time. Even when he had superpowers of the goulf course and everyone was in awe of him , he always rubbed me the wrong way. Once all of the stuff came out about him the world realized what a total doosh he really is. He i sgetting his karmic payback..he's finished.
  10. Pretty solid numbers there on a deep WR roster...I hate to admit it but Ive never heard of him. Good call. I think the Bills franchise Stevie and take a WR in second round...Alshon Jeffery from South Carolina would be great if he is still there...
  11. Wont happen. The reason he is being cut is because they have a new guy in Jared Gaither. A guy The Bills considered trading for with Baltimore a couple of years back ( I think they wanted a second or maybe first round pick for him) anyways-He was traded from baltimore to KC and then was cut mid season-The Chargers picked him up on waivers out of necessity- Bills had a shot at him too but passed over him. The Chargers got him for nothing and he performed very well-They will resign him as their LT. Why would The Bills pick up a beat up McNeil when they could have had the guy who replaced him for nothing? Oh wait-Its The Bills. They will probably sign him and give him the Chris Kelsey deal!
  12. No- it is funny...it is a slow day in Bills Land!
  13. You're wrong. They are not moving this team out of WNY. Forget about all of the economics-There is much more to it, and in the end in balances out just fine for this franchise to remain for another 50 years. The "no Succession plan" is posturing. Top that with the fact there is significant money people behind keeping the team in place when it does sell-Bills ARE NOT leaving-They never were leaving.....
  14. Yes Van desrves it-He is getting up there so now is the time. On another note-why did the Bilss honor Norwood this year? He isnt up there is he? Why would he ever deserve to be honored? You want to exercise demons -Honor Flutie, Honor Wade Phillips-Not Norwood-That is aguy you distance yourself from! Wasnt that the date when the Bils went from good to horrible too?7 game slide after that day? Maybe next year they can honor OJ and wear purple uniforms. Nice going Russ-you are a retard!
  15. You know Im not even sure who is on there recently, but I heard Phil Hansen was going up, or was recently put up. To me that is a crime assuming guys like Tally are not up there, or Van Miller even. That is typical Bills to put Hansen up there though-He was fine, but without Bruce Smith he would have been Ryan Denny. There are guys way, way more deserving than Hansen...even Flutie should be considered for what he brought. Anyone have a list of current names?
  16. All true. The Lafayette is going to be beautiful, The Statler should be nice when completed as well. The Downtown Hotel scene in BFLO is NO Bueno. I stayed at The Adam's Mark a couple of years ago with my wife for one night. It was 1983 all over again. That place needs to be gutted- I went to the prom there in 1988 and it was newer at the time and seemed pretty nice-not anymore. Embassy Suites is supposed to be nice now. Teams really should stay in OP or Hamburg but those are like Motor Hotels-Remember The McKinley Park Inn? Is that still open? Oh well BFLO needs to get into the new millenium.
  17. Has the credentials for sure. Considered small though. He's like 5'10. I think he would be worth a 6th rounde. SOme have him going to CFL.
  18. I think this would be the best case scenario. A guy like Terry can buy The Bills for a Billion, Build a stadium downtown for a billion, and still have a billion left over. Why not? The teams will always generate revenue and increase in value. Why sit on a couple of billion when you could do something great and be a hero to millions of Western New Yorkers....Fingers crossed. Regarding Sabres...I doubt he'll sit back and continue to let this thing flounder. He tried to do the right thing by keeping some continuity...but it aint working...This franchise needs to be reinvented. Some pieces are there, but these guys need to go.... * Roy * Hecht * Gaustadt * Boyes * Kaleta * Ellis * Lindy Ruff * Darcy Regier * I know Pominville and Vanek are goal scorers, but they should be trade bait. They are both soft and part of the "regime/core" which just hasnt succeeded. * Id say Miller too, but Enroth is too risky as our top goalie at this time
  19. I like Ralph. He is sort of out of touch as we know, but I look at him sort of like family. He's been there all our lives. When he goes we will all be sad Im sure and respectful. All the negativity will go away...with one exception: If he leaves this team and fanbase out to dry after he dies and the team moves he'll probably be burned in effigy..Otherwise we need to raise a bronze statue in Orchard park and name a street after him!
  20. Damnit we really should have won those 5 games...If things had just been a little bit different we would have. I dont know what positives you take away from this season because we should have been good enough to get in the playoffs this year. Ugh!
  21. You may not hate Mularkey but I do. Of all the d- bag coaches we have hired over the years , this clown takes the cake, and you are right GayBert is a woman. Im so glad we didnt take him because he would have fallen right into that mode of Johnson, Edwards, Losman over cocky and under performing soft QBs we had a track record with in the past decade plus. Lastly how The F did JAcksonville get 3 prime time games this year. WTF is that? Even if they were decent-NOBODY Cares about that team.
  22. This guy is a L-O-S-E-R! ...and a QUITTER! How any team could hire this turd to be a head coach is beyond me. Of course -leave it to Jacksonville. They shouldnt even be considered and NFL property. This turds offense scored a a whopping ZERO points last week against a so-so NY team-Pathetic-ZERO points! Forget that he quit a HC job here in BFLO. The best part was He blamed his quitting on his kids being PUs Says. He said they were being kicked arond at school because the team sucked so he needed to quit. Way to Jacksonville...You are going NOWHERE (Except hopefully to L.A.) Puh Lease! Biggest wishy washy excuse ever made up to justify being an "in over his head" loser and QUITTER. You clowns obviously bought this half azz excuse too. The guy sucked. Was the franchise upside down? Yes it was , but you dont quit (and blame it on your kids being wimps)
  23. Case in point... Eli Manning (and his father) outright refused to play in San Diego. San Diego is probably the nicest place to live on planet earth. He wouldn't come play in San Diego because at the time, the franchise was perceived as a total joke with a long time losing record. Elway refsued to play in Baltimore after he was drafted. Has any player drafted ever out right refused to play in Buffalo? When we were good we had no problem getting good players to come here: Lofton, Spielman, Ted Washington, Bryce Paup, Sam Adams and there are many more up until around 2000. Winning trumps everything and we havent won in over a decade.That is why no one wants to come. Forget about nightlife and weather. Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Green Bay are not glamorous metropolis' either. Players/Coaches have limited options and You go where you can get paid, and win. Period. Manning showed us it is not about living in a nice place...It is about where you can establish a winning record and a legacy in the game. It isnt Buffalo. Guys like Gleason, Esmonde, and Sullivan couldnt get work in a real market like Chicago, NYC or DC. They would love to beat it on out of town for a real assignment in a big market. It wont happen for them-EVER! Their arent enough jobs like that to go around, and those guys simply are not good enough to EVER get a big time job...So they are stuck in what they perceive as a miserable career and they want you to see thing things from their "miserable" perspective. It doenst help when the team sucks. The only thing you can do is B word about them to get a response....Guess what-It is workin!
  24. Ralph came out and said he wanted to lock in new deal asap. Bills hired firm to determine what improvement are needed. Chris Collins was dragging his feet on issue...BUT.. New guy Polancrantz (?) made it a first order of business this week and is looking for law firm to negotiate terms. We'll see what state offers. I know Cuomo just granted $1 Billion for regional upgrades and opportunities for new business to relocate in BFLO (Not sure this has any effect on stadium) but there seems to be some forward momentum.
  25. True dat. I think I heard he had only 5 playoffs in 15 years in Tennesee/Houston? He made it to The Superbowl once , because of a bad call against us...and lost the Superbowl I swear that the way they lost that Superbowl by getting down to the 1-yard line as time ran out was karmic payback for the BS that was the Music City Miracle... (Of course that loss on our end was karmic payback for benching Flutie)
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