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Posts posted by BillsneedaSuperbowl

  1. JFK to Roch flight cancelled. I asked the ticket agent if she had anything else. She said "we go Buffalo....we got Buffalo".


    F*kkin Jet Blue---dissing the Bills.



    i think the guy who posted the article is saying that when they said we got buffalo, it means like we got this, we got buffalo, as in they are going to beat us.

  2. Hes got a point, OL needs work, and a frachise QB is not on this roster. The only reason Brohm has so much enthusiasm behind him is that we've seen so little of him and therefore people have hope.


    Well, be prepared for failure tonight. Brohm wont do much to improve his stock. If anything id say watch for Spiller to have a good game.

    the bills are due. its gonna be a surprise season. bills wildcard all the way.

  3. Ugh, so sick of these polls. All 3 suck. None of them will ever be a franchise QB. None will take us to a Super bowl. Isn't that the ultimate goal? Unless we're playing against 3rd stringers this year, this team will be lucky to win 0-4 games. Mark my word. Until we shore up the offensive line and get a real QB, this team will do nothing. This team will be lucky to win a game this season.

    negative nancy boy.

  4. Those guys always pick on teams this way. I thought some of those names were clever.

    Not too long ago it was the "Aints" and "Bungals." It seems like I have also heard "Jests" and "Dullphins."


    ... and we can thank Stewart Scott for referring to us as the "Ills" on multiple occasions.

    ill can be interepreted as good though.

  5. I've stated many times already and will repeat that, on Sept. 12, the QB 'pecking order' will be...


    Brian Brohm - Starting QB

    Bad Bad Levi Brown - #2 QB

    Ryan Fitzpatrick - Clipboard

    Trent Edwards - President - Dakota Fanning Fan Club, Los Gatos Chapter


    ryan fitzpatrick-clipboard


    that should be a new insult for bad qbs. we should just call them clipboard.

  6. Would anyone be upset or think it unfair if the crew had the same conversation about the Lions? I don't think so. It's the Lions and Bills setting the bar for futility the last decade. One thing and one thing only stops the national media bashing of the Bills. Winning. Until then grow some thicker skin.

    theres nothin wrong with showing pride in your team. youd be lying if you said comments like those dont bother you even a little bit.

  7. The Bills could win the Super Bowl.


    They could win Super Bowls. In a row. All 51-3.


    They could go 16-0. You could have CJ Spiller running up and down the field like a gazelle in the Serengeti.


    You'd still have the national media not giving the team or the city any respect. To the Hollywood types, Buffalo is a caricature.


    Buffalo is never going to be "popular" in the high school of national sports media. It'll always be the vo-tech kid. There won't be Bills jerseys in rap videos. You won't see Bills merchandise in Allentown, just as you don't today. Haha.


    Part of the reason I enjoy being a Bills fan. It's not trendy. It's not cool. It's definitely not easy. You gamble that all the depression and frustration will someday payoff in a high of equal value. We can all never be accused of bandwagon jumping.

    your post is somewhat correct. but i once heard young jeezy mention the bills in one of his songs, and not in a bad way. also, a few years ago, i saw fat joe wearing an old school logo sabres hat.

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