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Everything posted by Dablitzkrieg

  1. I am very dissapointed in all of you this morning. I can't believe this thread has only made it to page 121. This is unacceptable. I expect more from this group. Think about this moving forward. I expect us to be at 150 pages by midnight!
  2. Damn, now 2 sexual assault cases...
  3. Well, we kind of are, just different ones...
  4. We can get to 200 pages. Step it up
  5. On the outside or the inside?
  6. I'm sorry you feel that way. It was in reference to when Lebron James' friends were called posse
  7. be careful of that posse word. some will think it is racist
  8. Kind of like Christmas Vacation when the Cousin goes to get the boss. I get it? hopefully not.
  9. 95 more to go boys!!! Git er done
  10. Someone once told me that rape was simply "when a girl changes her mind". Couldn't believe he said that!
  11. It will be a running back by committee on their way to 5-11, if they are lucky.
  12. Wow, this is getting interesting. I wonder how much Samuel gets paid for this? Thoughts?
  13. Too quick to judge my man. Slow down and take a deep breath. Things are going to be ok Wayne. Things are going to work themselves out.
  14. We can get to 200 pages. Step it up
  15. At least we have this...
  16. I thought it looked staged as well but was afraid the bleeding hearts would scream in their closets that I was "blaming the victim". Oh well, it looks staged!
  17. I remember that game was blacked out, watching it on my Grandfather's "bunny-ears" to get reception.
  18. Good God, look at that roster, pitful!
  19. And all cell phones left at the door of parties. Genius
  20. Ok, feel free to worry about it. Why on Earth would you quote me on a topic from April?
  21. I hope you are right, but i'm not feeling too confident given the QB situation
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