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Everything posted by Dablitzkrieg

  1. Please caption this photo.
  2. Laura is beautiful. I wonder how good Witten will be?
  3. I agree with the pot scenario. I think it is an easy way for minorities to get arrested. I think it goes deeper than just pot. I'm talking about gang violence, murder, rape, etc...
  4. I agree that nonviolent drug charges clogging up the jails is counter productive. Look at the Violent crimes though. Totally understand that POC are most likely residents in inner city areas. I obviously only look through the eyes of a white male, so I don't understand a lot of POC struggles
  5. What do you and what does the law consider "petty" drug offenses? Show me your stats and I will stand corrected.
  6. Check these out...https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.usnews.com/news/articles/2016-09-29/race-and-homicide-in-america-by-the-numbers%3fcontext=amp http://www.politifact.com/punditfact/statements/2015/apr/02/sally-kohn/sally-kohn-white-men-69-percent-arrested-violent/ I would say one of the top reasons, yes Do you think that police officers would even bother to go into the inner city over weed? Those cops are scared for their lives due to fear of getting shot by people that hate the police. I don't buy that comparison at all
  7. I never said anything about religion. I don't like religion. I do however believe in GOD. To me it is a difference
  8. Can you break that down further, like justified vs unjustified shootings/killings? It would be interesting to see the results. I'm going to say it and get labeled a racist, but African Americans, according to FACTS, commit more crimes than Whites, hence, more police interactions. I'm sorry, it is simple logic
  9. It's called jealousy and ignorance!! Most people do not understand this at all. It is a double-edged sword though. There can be consequences. Most Liberals struggle with this concept. They are getting paid to play a game. Yes they are elite talent, but have a fund raiser. Do you think it is the owners fault that so many black people are killing black people out in the streets? No it's not and I am sure as hell they are embarrassed when they see the false narrative being portrayed by the media.
  10. I am very surprised at the amount of people who are willing to have the National Anthem removed. Probably the same people that wanted GOD removed from the Pledge of Allegiance and think there are 69 genders. Such a sad state of affairs. I agree
  11. Fair point. Just can't stand the sound of him. Wanna fall asleep listening
  12. Flame away.....but do we really believe that someone could play an entire career on an "85% torn ACL"? Just for S&G's (I'm not a doctor obviously), but where does the # even come from? Wouldn't his knee just blow out from the amount of beatings he took over his career? Just doesn't hold water for me. Love the player, but don't buy the story. Another thing to consider is that Thurman has admitted to having possible CTE issues. He might be confabulating a bit, not even realizing he is making up stories. Not trying ot be rude for all of you sensitive people out there. Just an observation.
  13. As long as the guy has a pulse, I would assume it is an instant upgrade, given the monotone of Fairburn's
  14. You guys should not assume. Maybe it was a dude Russ was banging?
  15. I wouldn't worry about anything that clown has to say.
  16. This is BS. All of this could have contributed to the 200 page landmark. Not cool
  17. That's more like it guys. Getting closer...#200
  18. Sweet, we may hit 200 soon enough
  19. That's the difference , outside of extra McDermott clapping
  20. They do and they also have an advantage with the better team
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