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Everything posted by Dablitzkrieg

  1. Should be pretty easy with Allen and 17 games. No brainer
  2. Any RB. Having a viable running game will only make this offense that much better
  3. https://fb.watch/6gTETr1lpZ/
  4. I just want to take a moment to say I'm straight. Been meaning to say this for a while. I like boobs
  5. Thank you. Didn't have any idea I didn't know. That's why I asked. I follow the yankees and the entire team was vaccinated but 3 players tested positive
  6. I am vaccinated. Correct me if I'm wrong please, but doesn't my ability to carry the virus remain unchanged whether I'm vaccinated or not? Doesnt the vaccination just prevent me from being infected?
  7. The thing that will be painful is the displacement for home games in Toronto or Penn State. That sucks
  8. You can't call him a thug. You will be labeled as a racist.
  9. Both KC and Tampa are better right now until proven otherwise
  10. America 's wheels I'm guessing this could help when the inevitable Star retirement comes? Just speculating.
  11. But sense I enjoy seeing people freak out, chew on this...
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