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Everything posted by Dablitzkrieg

  1. Check earlier in this thread. Eric Wood tweeted about it.
  2. Why do I care what he is doing?
  3. I read you first sentence. Then I stopped ✋️
  4. "Jones is not Allen. We're *****"
  5. I guess I don't understand. Wouldn't he be making a boat load more $$ at Michigan?
  6. This really is not news. I mean, I hate my wife, but we make it work. Common goals🤣
  7. Are you allowed to be a D coordinator and sue the NFL at the same time? I'd hire Flores in a second for the Bills
  8. So Ross offered $100K/loss and Flores said ***** you. Good for Flores
  9. Ground breaking analysis. Focus on winning every game. 🤣
  10. He did. He thanks all of the Bucs and not a peep about the Pats
  11. Yeah, idiots said that this year. He plays better in more meaningful games. On the road. He'll be great once again
  12. Tha k God I don't have to see Brittany or Jackson.
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