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Posts posted by jimmy10

  1. Yeah, Golick was talking on Mike and Mike this morning about how many (including himself) are not happy with how "soft" the league is becoming in many ways. BUT, as he says, them's the rules, and if Harrison insists on continuing to play this way, he is hurting his team.


    Indeed, if I was a Steelers fan, after wiping the drool off my chin and adjusting my velcro sneakers, I'd be very upset with Harrison and the impact of his stubbornness.

  2. Any Dr. that would reveal details on the health of one of his patients should lose his license.


    Pretty much this. No doctor prestigious enough to have professional athletes as patients would risk it all by violating HIPAA and blabbing protected health information to your girlfriend's sister's neighbor's cousin.


    And if he did, the hammer could and should be brought down on him.

  3. Other than Reggie White, what good defensive lineman is ever considered a "nice guy" or well-liked?


    What happens between the whistles is one thing. One might even say what happens immediately after a whistle is one thing. But for a highly-paid professional athlete to lose his mind like that well after a play is dead is just bush league and inexcusable.

  4. I listen to a bunch of random sports talk on XM radio. ESPN, Fox, Mike and Mike, Cowherd, Dan Patrick, even west coast stuff like the Loose Cannons and Petros & Money. We're getting plenty of attention and mentions. Chan was just on Mike and Mike yesterday.

  5. It's true he might be the next Peyton Manning and the multiple SBs he has led Indy too and one (oops make that one).


    Even Peyton Manning wasn't supposed to be the next Peyton Manning. Ryan Leaf was widely regarded as an equally good, if not better prospect. And what's he amounted to? MVP of his anger management class?


    Bottom line, you never quite know.

  6. It makes NO sense why the Bills game is not on here in DC. For hundreds of miles in any direction it's the Bills game. And then there is this one little island of programming map nonsense couched in the middle of vast Bills game viewing-area expanse. Why?!?!?!?!


    Please no right wing conservative conspiracy theories....


    Well, it usually has something to do with a key figure in the game and where they're from or where they played in college. Like here in NC, we'd get random Chargers games for a while because Rivers played at NC State.

  7. The one year I order Sunday Ticket and its the year the Bills are good and are on my local affiliate in Los Angeles pretty much every week. Ah well, it'd be a stupid thing to complain about.


    Haha, yeah. I've had Sunday Ticket for three years now here in NC. Only two games have been televised locally, and they switched to the Pats game in the 4th quarter. But that's the most the Bills have been on locally I think since we've been here.


    Still loves me some Sunday Ticket, though. Once you call to "cancel" and get a reduced rate, it's totally worth it, IMHO. We would spend more at the local Bills Backers bar over the course of a season than it costs for ST + beer and food at home.

  8. A childhood friend who lives on the other side of the country and I were discussing today the feasibility of meeting up in Indy in February... How we were kids during those early 90s runs, and now that we're In a position to go to a Bills SB game, we totally would do it. Cross a major thing off the bucket list and get to see the Bills finally get over that hump... Oh, if only...

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