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Posts posted by jimmy10

  1. I think you underestimate the level of Prospect and human that is Andrew Luck...


    I was around for Manning/Leaf....What you are talking about is little more than rumor and innuendo...Most thought Manning was clearly the better Prospect...And certainly the more cerebral one...The truth is there may have been one or two teams, or one or two Scouts, that felt Leaf was equal to Manning...But they were in the clear minority...The Colts lost no sleep over that selection...Polian is on record about it...And the rumors were already out there about Leaf at the time...There were definite warning signs...


    There is no comparison between the way Teams felt about Leaf in comparison to Luck today...It's not even close...It certainly is ridiculous...To me at least it is...Think whatever you wish for yourself...It's a free world... B-)


    Rumor and innuendo?...Really?...A quick Google news search for the first four months of 1998 reveals lots and lots of rumor and innuendo...


    "Leaf and Tennessee quarterback Peyton Manning are undoubtedly the class of this year's draft."


    ""I think the consensus of opinion is that two guys like (Manning and Leaf) don't come along very often," Charger General Manager Bobby Beathard said."




    Good lord, the parallels to this year's draft are stunning... San Diego traded up to #2 from #3 (yes, number THREE) to ensure they got either Manning or Leaf...


    Now again, it's not that I think Luck (or RG3) will be busts, or that Fitz will lead us to the promised land...But you can't shoehorn the story of Leaf/Manning 14 years later into some revisionist argument that Luck is a surefire bet for Canton and everybody knew Leaf would be a bust and so Fitz should die homeless and penniless and 20 pounds overweight and that nobody will ever love him...But it is a free world, so I will go ahead and take you up on that offer to think whatever I wish... :thumbsup:

  2. After seven weeks last year I don't recall anyone calling for Fitz to sit. Then he had his ribs cracked and started throwing to guys off the practice squad.


    That is simply not true.


    He was also throwing to the #2 RB and #3 QB. With a #3? #4? C/#2OT snapping him the ball.

  3. :huh:


    Have you ever seen Luck play? He's high rated for a reason...You know that right? A completion % over 70% for 2 College Seasons Andrew Luck...A Kid with similar athletic ability to Cam Newton...that Andrew Luck...One of the most cerebral QB's to come out of College since Peyton Manning...And comparing Luck to Ryan Leaf in any way...are you kidding me?


    You do understand the comparison is pre-draft Andrew Luck to pre-draft Ryan Leaf, right? Before the 1998 draft, many smart people considered it a toss-up/pick'em between Peyton Manning and Ryan Leaf, some even feeling Leaf had more potential. Well, he got to the NFL and proved (and continues) to be a complete dumpster fire.


    So, it's easy to look back now and say "ridiculous!" But the comparison isn't that ridiculous. No, I'm not saying Luck wouldn't be an improvement over Fitz. I'm saying Luck hasn't played a snap yet in the NFL, and despite all the best analytics in the world, the future is not always crystal-clear.

  4. First thing you do is see a lawyer and put the damn thing in some sort of trust. Because I can almost guaran-damn-tee, you win half a billion dollars, and crazy people will crawl out of nowhere to claim it.


    Exactly. I have a friend, a husband of a former coworker, and his family is pretty damn rich. Like, have their names on a bunch of buildings at major Universities rich. But he's super down to earth, and a great guy. My first call would probably be to him, because his family and any lawyers/accountants they would recommend would definitely be well paid enough not to be out to scam anyone.


    Anyway, F it. I threw down $20. Gotta be in it to win it.

  5. Networks probably said no because it would result in fewer commercials. Now they can just say," this replay review sponsored by....". It would take a few seconds for someone watching on a big screen to either confirm or reverse a call on the field.


    So weird, especially since the NHL and MLB both send replays to be reviewed not "upstairs", but in the freaking league headquarters in Toronto and NYC. I'll admit, I don't mind so much about the delay during reviews while I'm watching at home. On some of them it's kind of fun to watch the replays too and argue with friends over what the call should be.

  6. I watch the Texans as a casual fan only, but I can tell you that he's considered to be more of a follower than a leader. Immense physical talent, but his fire needs to be stoked by others. If he's held to a high standard by his teammates, he'll rise to that level. I think we're gonna be very pleased.


    He himself even spoke about how he's not one to make a lot of speeches. I think that's OK. On the defensive side, Merriman is a leader, Barnett is a leader, KW is a leader, Dareus is emerging as a leader. They can't ALL be leaders. Maybe the more relaxed, small-town atmosphere with other guys being looked to as leaders will allow Mario to just do his thing and flourish.

  7. Nice. Two of my favorite LOL moments from last season are in there: The Eagles' offsides penalty (still can't believe that worked) and Sanchito instantly curling up in the fetal position when Drayton Florence looked at him.

  8. Since Smith has become a Bill. I don't know if he's good at anything. He showed zero last year. As a kick returner he was terrible.


    One thing for sure he could not have lead a team to the playoffs and a playoff win.


    Give him Denver's defense and he might could've.


    Either way, it's a good thing we have Smith to get all wildcatty in practice so we can at least prepare for it. All accounts are that the Jets regretted letting Smith get away. And, with our upgraded defense, Rexy had visions of Sanchito attempting many of his throws while flat on his back or curled up in a fetal position. So, getting another mobile QB actually makes a lot of sense for them on paper. But I still think/hope it will blow up in their faces.

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