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Posts posted by jimmy10

  1. Better performance by the team would be the primary cause of more revenue - and if I was at the table on behalf of the taxpayers I would ask firmly what the Bills are going to do on their behalf to imporve their performance.


    That's exactly how the cynic in me looked at the Mario Williams signing.


    At first the fan in me was like "Sweet!" Then the cynic in me was like "Hmm... This certainly looks like an attempt to bolster political capital/public opinion at the onset of stadium lease negotiations."


    But then the fan in me came back and said: "Shut up! If it helps us WIN, who cares??"

  2. I would rather the league give in to fan ownership, ala the Green Bay Packers...


    Look, there are an awful lot of us relocated Buffalonians (is that really a word?) out here that can read this crap, and say "well, if I still lived there, I'd be OK with having to pay more....." But the point is....


    WE DON'T live there anymore!!! And to expect our families and friends back home to be willing to pay more for something we also have a passion for, is absolutely, and utterly, ridiculous!!!


    Like most of you, I can't imagine our home city without the Bills, but I'll be damned if I'll commit you to having to pay for something I'm not willing to chip in for....


    Mr Brandon, knowing the NFL won't allow fan ownership (the stupid #4@&%s), set up a foundation that we, as displaced natives of Western NY can put up our own money, so our families and friends don't bear the burden alone....


    My checkbook is waiting.....


    I get your point, but plenty of us have moved away and continue to support the team. We have a pair of season tickets, as do many, many other transplants. They're so cheap (compared to other teams) and pretty easy to get rid of without losing too much money, if you lose any money at all. We'll make it to 2-3 games this year probably, and unload the rest.

  3. Didn't it reduce concussions on returns like 50% or more?


    I thought i read somewhere that, while there were fewer injuries on kickoffs, there were fewer returns too, obviously. And that if you broke down injuries per kick return, injuries actually occurred at the same (or maybe even higher) rate. I'll try to look it up when I'm at a computer later.

  4. WHich game do you guys think will be in Toronto?


    If I had to guess, it would be Jags, Rams or Titans. They're in the middle-ish part of the season, and I think they've moved away from having a divisional game in Toronto after outcry from fans. I would hate for them to have the 11/25 game up there, since we'll likely (along with a lot of other people) be in town for Thxgiving and would definitely want to go to a game no matter who the opponent is.

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