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Posts posted by jimmy10

  1. I didn't know much about this kid before last night, but from what I've read, I like him. There are very few sure things in life and the NFL Draft, but there are many signs Gilmore will be successful. He's smart, mature, graduated high school early to enroll in time for spring practices at South Carolina and started as a true freshman. He's been described as stoic and soft-spoken, so what many read as a lack of excitement on his face last night was really just his reserved personality. Kinda like Mario, I guess. Still waters can run very deep.


    Looking forward to the rest of the draft and this season!

  2. Wow. That's a team in desperation mode. To completely change the team's direction on a whim in the first round? Glad it ain't us. Oh, wait, we drafted Gilmore, so according to many on this board, that automatically makes us 0-16 for the upcoming season and soon after that, the LA Bills.

  3. Luke Russert's Mom was the one who tweeted that "Mario Williams was leaving the hotel on day 2 and everyone went into a panic that we didn't get the deal done...the joke since then is that Luke Russert's Mom has been involved in every decision the Bills have made since she made this "valuable" observation.


    Yeah, I think if you missed it the first time around but go back and actually read through the Mario Williams thread, you'll see the origins of just about every inside joke on this board for the next few years.

  4. Per Mark Gaughan on the Billboard blog at buffalonews.com on the lack of prime time games:

    "I'm surprised the Bills didn't get a Monday night game. However, Bills CEO Russ Brandon says the networks hate to come to Orchard Park for prime-time games because the stadium isn't wired for high-definition television, and it creates a lot of extra set-up work for them. That's one of the issues that needs to be addressed in the proposed stadium renovation. The NFL Network will have to deal with it for the Thursday night game vs. Miami on Nov. 15."


    That sounds kind of BS-ish to me. I'm sure the stadium isn't "wired" for some things, but every single game I saw from the Ralph last year on Sunday Ticket was in brilliant high definition.

  5. Nix and his team are incredible experts on the draft. They've done all sorts of studies on all the positions. They know the key indicators of success and have fully vetted the top maybe 250, 350 players in the country. Who ever #10 turns out to be, I won't pretend that I can intelligently second-guess Nix. (Though I might do it anyway just for fun).


    This is a great point. We've had a good offseason, and I think Nix's approval rating is high, so it's not like people are bashing him left and right. But no matter what you think of him and his team, these guys are world-class talent evaluators. You simply don't rise to this level if you're not. Mock drafts are fun and a good way to pass the time, but they're ultimately useless, and like you, I won't ever pretend to know or understand more than a high-ranking NFL executive. I don't necessarily know on-field talent when I see it, but I know the "baby" Nix talks about when I see it, and I hope we see it very soon.

  6. All this talk about a "marquee" game in Toronto is nonsense. The NFL and Bills know they made a mistake putting the Dolphins and Jets games in Toronto. The last two years it's been NFC teams, and that's what I expect to occur again this season. Seattle or St. Louis are coming to Toronto. Seattle makes the most sense.


    Seattle actually makes a ton of sense given their similar proximity to the border, albeit on the west coast.

  7. Do you go to games? It is like a sardine can in the concourses pre-game and half time. It's at least uncomfortable and inconvenient, and at worst dangerous. This renovation is badly needed.




    Yes, and "expanding" the footprint by building outside the stadium and covering those areas will widen concourse inside, but also I think expand access points outside, maybe keep the gates from getting to congested at noon-12:30 when everyone's headed in.

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