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Posts posted by jimmy10

  1. Reading the story about the disgraced attorney who Mario bought the house from... What a great piece of PR. Mario gets the house at a bargain price, and a significant chunk of the sale goes to restitution for the people who got scammed.


    Since he hasn't really hesitated to buy a house up there, we may be looking at the beginning of the next generation of Bills greats to make WNY their permanent home well beyond their playing career.

  2. I thought I remembered him saying that he will be heading to "Wall Street" after he's done playing...


    I thought he said that's where he would've headed with all his buddies had he not been drafted, since he was a finance/economics major at.... shoot, I forgot where he went to school. Mizzou maybe?

  3. Hurray for arbitrarily drawn lines of acceptable behavior.


    I'm for all of it. Choreography, props, kick lines, snow angels, whatever. If you don't like it, don't let him in the end zone. If you do like it, don't B word when a free safety decapitates him next time he catches the ball.


    One thing I love about baseball and hockey is that players are able to police their own. You showboat during a home run trot? OK, but someone's getting drilled in the rib cage. Good lord, I can't even imagine the clusterfark that would ensue if Bud Selig, in his infinite wisdom, tried to lay down rules for on field celebrations.

  4. I think the torch has already been passed. Media et al just can't nail down the "who". Everyone who's involved is being smart about it. You don't want the succession advertised. Lots of money, contracts and relationships at sake. It's better to keep everybody guessing and after all it's Mr. Wilson's team until it isn't.


    Some of the first decisions of the incoming ownership were the free agent pursuits of Williams and Anderson. Not only was the spending of that massive amount of money on free agents atypical of Mr. Wilson, he wasn't even heard, seen or involved in the process. Reason being that the new ownership was in Buffalo.


    I also believe the new ownership has their man in Whaley to succeed Nix.


    You know, something like that doesn't sound too far fetched. I keep thinking back to that tweet Chad Kelly put out last year that was promptly erased and let to his twitter account even going away for a while. Something about the "new man" or something. It was pretty easy to deduce what it was about (and I remember the lengthy TBD thread on the subject). Chad Kelly may be a dumbass, but he's a dumbass on the inside.


    We'll know in due time I guess. But I wish Mr. Wilson many more years in relative good health.

  5. I didn't think it was that great of an interview. Mario can be pretty thoughtful and eloquent, but I absolutely hate tv interviews where the host can see the interviewee, but not vice versa. It makes the person being interviewed sound very stilted and hesitant, since they have to look straight into a camera, instead of at the person asking the questions, and respond to what they're hearing in an earpiece.

  6. While it will suck not being able to peruse the local news from afar, I certainly understand why papers can't give away their product for free.


    We recently subscribed to the big local paper down here, the Raleigh News and Observer. We got the Fri-Sat-Sun weekend package and have been enjoying it. I'm in my mid-30s and very much a digital-only kind of guy. But, there's just something undeniably pleasant about flipping through the paper with a cup of coffee on a Saturday or Sunday morning. Plus, we have a two year old son, so I feel reading something hardcopy sets a good example for him (same with his books we read before bedtime). Yeah, I could get all the content on my iPad, but it's too easy to get sidetracked and fart around on TBD or YouTube or something.

  7. Kelly, of course, has said there are things going on behind the scenes that the public doesn't know about. Now Kilgore is saying the same thing and specifying that his source is not Kelly. Two independent sources - not that I distrusted Kelly - convince me that there's a lot we don't know.


    Yeah, there's no doubt there's a TON going on behind the scenes we know nothing about. But clearly knowledge about the situation is being compiled and passed along somehow, so I wonder if and when more information will leak out. I'm intrigued about all these potential ownership groups (my guess from the story is at least 4 or 5) and the supposed "vetting" being done. Who is doing this vetting??


    I swear that if I had won that big powerball drawing (600 mill+) I was going to try and buy a stake in the Bills. I was also hoping if I didn't win it someone from this board would have for the same reason. :blush:


    You and me both, dude. Once my helicopter and helipad purchases were complete, of course. Gotta have a way to beat the traffic on gameday!

  8. Link to Article


    This seems to be one of the most comprehensive pieces written on the big ownership and stadium questions and is an interesting read if you haven't caught it already. It raises some other questions, though.



    "Quietly, and this isn't coming directly from Kelly, a vetting process has been underway for several months or more, and there are multiple groups anxious to make their best pitch at the Bills when they get that chance. Supposedly commissioner Roger Goodell is aware of this movement but will never openly acknowledge any of it, for obvious reasons."


    So if a quiet vetting process is underway, and the Commish is only "aware" of it, then who is doing the vetting? Someone with the team? Someone with the league? Some sort of representative of all the owners, since the owners have to vote on new ownership of any team?



    "I'm told some of the groups who've made it known they're interested don't have a clue as to how to go about buying an NFL team and are way out of their league even though they have substantial financial backing."


    So it's clear Kelly is part of a group with interest. And it's clear some groups with interest have the money but no clue what they're doing. Is Jimbo's group one of those with no clue? I assume and hope not, given his proximity to the team and front office.



    "These would be owners feel the future of the Bills is almost entirely dependant on the eventual construction of a new stadium either in downtown Buffalo or more towards Niagara Falls and Canada. Not only that, these people would be willing to finance most of the cost of a new stadium privately. I'll believe that when I see it, because I'm skeptical too, but people I respect insist this is true."


    Wow. That sounds too good to be true. But I guess I can see anyone who cares enough to keep the Bills in WNY also cares enough to not saddle taxpayers with the entire bill for a new stadium?

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