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Posts posted by jimmy10

  1. I love WNY for the summertime. The Canal, the Finger Lakes, the Great Lakes, the Genesee River. Letchworth State Park (where my wife and I got married). I love the fall. I love ice skating outdoors. I love not having to search for good pizza, good wings or good Italian food. I love the proximity to Canada. I love that the crappy weather makes you truly appreciate good weather.


    Oh, and the Bills.

  2. Always entertaining to read the Pats* fans comments. Of course they see us as much of a threat as a mosquito. I hope the players think the same way.




    Typical chowderhead nonsense. I especially like the guy calling out Anderson for being no more than a situational pass rusher. I'll take a situational guy with 10 sacks any day.


    I wouldn't expect any more from a city that only discovered it had a football team 10 years ago.

  3. See, that's why I feel we're hearing these rumblings re: the ownership question now, while lease negotiations are going on. I don't think you can seriously talk behind closed doors about either issue without addressing the other. So, that leads me to believe we'll be hearing about both the stadium and a possible succession plan this summer.


    But of course the caveat is that I don't know sh*t about sh*t and this is based on nothing but how it all sounds in my head. Along with the voices.

  4. When a trusted, long-standing member says they know something, that carries weight with me. It's not like some jamoke with 2 posts talking crap.




    Oh, for sure. I'm not accusing him of making sh#t up. I can appreciate being told by someone in the know that something good is happening... But when no details can be given, it can set others even more on edge (myself included).


    Assuming Ralph is still with us on this mortal coil and keeps his word the team will not be sold while he's alive, I'm guessing (purely just guessing) that this has to do with stadium lease negotiations keeping the Bills in Buffalo long term. Hell, maybe Ralph is even making a succession plan known, as I would imagine the topic came up during negotiations with county officials.

  5. I get being the guy with the secret, wanting to let people know you have a secret, even if you can't let them know details. I just don't get the point, other than hoping to be known later as the guy who was on the inside. I'm guessing your heart is in the right place and you want to let us all know we can rest easy? I'm not sure it actually helps, though.

  6. Darn kids these days with their hippity-hop and their rockity-roll.


    I'm pretty sure New Era fitted hats have come with a flat brim since forever. It's up to the user to apply bendination as they see fit. So what if the kids wear them all crazy these days? Young people and their wacky fashions have been pissing people off probably at least since the first dude put on a powdered wig, if not before that.

  7. GTFO of here with that nonsense. It wasn't a house of notoriety until they ran that article, and no one cared who that shyster lawyer was. He didn't need an LLC for privacy - all he needed was for the local paper to not print his entire address right on the front page.


    Now read the Wawrow article linked above. That's all the News had to say - "suburban Buffalo".


    Pontiac GTO your own nonsense. In many cities, property owners are a matter of public record and can easily be searched by name or by address on the city website.


    Many on this very forum seemed to know exactly where this neighborhood was back when Mario visited Jim Kelly there, before the Big Bad Media published anyone's address.


    Was it in bad taste to publish the address? Maybe. Are we all bummed that Jill Kelly has a lookie-lou problem? Certainly. But this is the 21st century. If people want to find out where you live they will.

  8. I was thinking the same thing the instant I read that article. They printed the man's address on the front page of the paper....wtf


    Mario's a public figure who bought a house of notoriety that used to belong to another public figure. And real estate transactions tend to be matters of public record anyway. If he wanted the house and was so concerned about privacy, why didn't he buy it through an LLC or something? Seems a guy making that kind of scratch would have good advisors for this kind of thing.

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