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Posts posted by jimmy10

  1. Boo ya. Sunday Ticket Max for free, plus $20 off for 12 months.


    The initial person I spoke to offered me like $10 bucks for 3 months, some free movie channels and nothing on the Sunday ticket. I said "No wiggle room?" She said "nope." I held firm and she transferred me to "the people who could do the disconnection." I was on hold for about 20 minutes, so obviously they're playing the waiting game, assuming people will give up and hang up.


    The next person was way better with the customer service and negotiation, so after some wrangling, I finally got the better offer.


    I love negotiating, and it's part of what I do every day in my job, so I was happy to hold out for the primo hook-up. But I can definitely see how many people would not want to go through the whole process. It's definitely designed to make you want to cave.

  2. I am A-OK with being under the radar and expectations around the league remaining low. Barnett's right, the respect has to be earned.


    That said, it is pretty stupid to call Ocho the best pickup in the division. They don't even know who will be throwing him the ball yet.

  3. TBD is one of my few online vices, and probably the only one that makes network administrators at my workplace go "WTF?"


    It really is the best online Bills forum I've found with a high quotient of intellIgent posters and not just a bunch of subliterate nitwits flaming each other and constantly starting threads on the same topic. And I've gotta hand it to the mods, who manage to keep things organized.


    But I also appreciate the collective sense of humor. The Epic, Legendary Mario Williams thread made for more fun than anyone should ever have online without dirty pictures.


    Also, F5.

  4. I'm glad the Bills won't fall victim to the Notre Dame bust.


    This is one of the players I wanted Buddy Nix to stay far, far, far away from.


    I'm with you man, and I'm a huge ND homer. I didn't go there, but about 10 uncles and cousins of mine did.


    From a million miles away you could see the kind of character issues Buddy and Chan make a point to steer clear of.

  5. but someone will always be the best player in college football...how bout we take the ones out that can't function academically?


    Sure, whatever. My point is, give those with designs on going pro the option to play in the USFL instead. Instantly reduce, but maybe not eliminate, the role of money, corruption and slimy figures in college sports.

  6. Agreed.


    Some of those college players who have zero basis for being on a college campus could play in the developmental leagues instead.


    Football could be just like in hockey where there are numerous sources of player talent (college, juniors, semi-pro)


    Exactly. What's the tiny percentage of college football players that ever play a down in the NFL? It's gotta be less than 5%. Skim that small amount of talent off the top, send them to the USFL, and it's not like Michigan/Ohio State, Auburn/Bama or any other college game with rabid fanbases will be any less compelling. Then all the scuzzball agents, jewelers and other assorted gladhanders are free to glom onto the USFL players.

  7. Graham's agent is cheap!


    They aren't the 1st and 2nd round studs, but they're also not the 4th and later "hopefuls."


    Exactly. Or as I like to put it, "Gettin' PAID" vs. "Happy to Be Here." TJ and his third round brethren are somewhere in the middle. Once someone at the top budges, the rest will fall like dominoes into a de facto slotting system. This isn't about greed or spite or anything else. These are the guys who probably won't be set for life with their rookie deals. I don't begrudge them or their agents at all for treading carefully.

  8. Get your boy up to the fence by where Johnson is when they end practice. A lot of the players will go right to the fence to sign stuff. I do not remember Stevie particularly, but Fitz does for sure and gives away the QB waist towel etc (my youngest got one last year and was thrilled! :) ).


    My wife has noticed that two groups of people get things signed at the fence, cute kids and hot girls (go figure ;) ).


    Thanks for the tips! So we should have no problem then. My wife is hot and our son is super cute (I'll just be sure to hide my ugly mug). He's only 2, so I'll probably hold him up or put him on my shoulders.


    I do seem to remember reading something about an autograph tent with designated times and players. Will keep an eye out for that too. Especially since we'll only be a few miles away, we can be flexible with our schedule.

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