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Posts posted by jimmy10

  1. I agree to some extent, but not entirely. For ex., the Stillers Packers and Giants are all very successful franchises yet engender nowhere near the hate. Some of the hate is the fault of the teams you listed. The Yankees buy championships, Duke is for snooty, rich kid front-runners, and the Pats*, well, where does one start....


    ...ask other NFC east fans what they think of the Giants. Vanderbilt is full of snooty rich kids too. Who hates them? It's all driven by context and recent success.

  2. You do understand from 88'-96' we were just as hated by everyone right? Esp 90'-94'


    Exactly. Success breeds hate. When you're good, nobody is on the fence. Lots of people LOVE you and lots of other people HATE you. The Yankees, the Patriots, Duke basketball... Take away the success and the venom dies down.

  3. When we started off last year 3-0 then 5-2, I distinctly remember national media outlets talking about how good it was to see Buffalo relevant again and how much better the league is when the old school blue collar cities (Detroit too) are doing well.


    Bottom line, our national reputation will correlate with the wins column. Nobody gave a rat's ass about New England either (not even New England chowderheads themselves) until they started rattling off championships.

  4. Question: Are cameras with telephoto lenses allowed at camp? I know they usually won't let long lenses into the stadium on game day, but hoping I can get some good shots with my 300mm.


    We arrived safely in town last night after driving straight through that line of severe weather in the southern tier/northern PA, which was ironic because we always figured the most dangerous time to drive up from NC was in the winter. But that yesterday was without a doubt the worst weather I have ever driven though, winters included.


    At any rate, we're here and can't wait for training camp, garbage plates and decent Italian food!

  5. I'm pleasantly surprised the NCAA is showing some teeth on this, even if it's not the "death penalty" per se. Though maybe it might as well be. SMU was only shut down one year, and it critically impacted that program and even their conference for years, some would say even to this day. Though obviously the B1G will probably be fine as a conference. It will be interesting to watch what happens to the program, that's for sure. Part of me is glad to see punishment meted out, but part of me also wants to see that once-proud program rebuilt.


    And hopefully will serve as a warning to any other program that may ever come across any internal transgressions they feel is worth covering up.

  6. Teams play games with the injury report all the time. I remember reading Belichick puts Brady or somebody on it every week basically for no other reason than to be a dick.


    And teams will under-report injuries to hide weaknesses. "Chest injury - he's probable" instead of "OMG cracked rib - have at him pass rushers!"

  7. Just about every body involved has admitted it to some extent, some more begrudgingly than others. His teammates, Fitz himself, even Chan. Have we seen the x-rays ourselves? No. But if you require hard evidence that would hold up in a court of law to be convinced... Well, then I don't know how you can believe anything at all.

  8. Everyone says that the NFL is a business. Well how many of us can start a business and draw money from the state or county to help run it? Very few, and the ones that do are the biggest and most corrupt.


    OR benefit from massive anti-trust exemptions?


    The OP's use of "John Galt" tells me he's just spewing Ayn Rand arglebargle while the rest of us are living in the real world. As if NFL owners belong on the same mythical, bootstrappy pedestal as Shrugging Atlas entrepreneurs.

  9. Fouts does color on games, I think..or does he only do college now?


    I know I will get crucified for saying this, but Dan Dierdorf is really good doing Sunday afternoon games...he really toned his act down, post MNF, and is less of a hype master, and more of a football guy... he is really good at breaking down line play, during the games, and pointing out small things you might not notice, that are impacting a game. Of course, he has a face for radio, so doing color is perfect for him.


    I think you're right, Fouts only does college. He always struck me as a bright guy, I thought he might be good. It seems like football lacks bright former players who are excellent commentators. Orel Hershiser, for instance, I could listen to for hours.

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