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Posts posted by jimmy10

  1. A superb display of the all but nonexistent entry barriers to sports blogging.


    All the more reason an amusing and even educational blog like TKIG's can be successful. We're all proud that you reached way back to high school economics class for the term "barriers to entry," because you're right. In an unfettered marketplace, you're bound to get crap by the truckload. Which makes it all the more refreshing when a blog like this comes along that actually provides a few minutes of enjoyment every day. I've got a very short list of Bills sites I look at every day, and TKIG has become one of them.

  2. Wow... WTF? There's obviously more going on behind the scenes none of us can know about, but I thought for sure, with all the time and effort we put into this reclamation project, we'd at least have him on the field this year to see how he really was. And all indications were good? There's definitely more to this story and I'm sure we'll hear about it soon.

  3. I'm far from an X's and O's guy, but I too saw not much effort on the part of those who are guaranteed to start opening day. Why should any of them go balls to the wall? They are all known quantities at this point and there are no awards given for preseason performance, either individually or as a team.


    Get ramped up to the speed of the game and above all else, STAY HEALTHY. That appears to be what we're doing and I'm a-ok with that.

  4. I just sent this to a buddy of mine who is a Jets fan. He NEVER misses an opportunity to trash talk. His response was surprisingly sober and level-headed. Which makes me think things must REALLY be bad in Joisey.


    His reponse: "Yeah, I haven't seen a pre-season game, but what I read is not very promising…..for EITHER quarterback. I think there's a good reason why the Dolphins got rid of Sporano. Could be another one of those Jets years."


    Music to my ears! Now let's get it done, boys!

  5. He can lineup ANYWHERE. RB, QB, WR, kick returns, punt returns. I've always said the Vikings are misusing him. They don't know how to use him and that's probably why he's growing frustrated up there.


    If that's true, then I could see why we'd be interested. Chan clearly likes multipurpose players. Adds wrinkles, and can maybe free up a roster spot somewhere for things like kickoff specialists.


    Sounds like just the kind of high-character guy Chix and Nailey would get out the checkbook for


    Yeah, that's the other thing though. If he is such a problem child, I doubt we seriously go after him.

  6. If Young has a big game and begins to crystallize as the best #2 option, I think that will begin putting to rest any chance of there actually being a QB controversy.


    I also expect and hope the O-line will not have ants in their pants this time.


    I expect to see a little of the running game, even if it's nice and vanilla (don't want to give New Jersey too much of a heads-up on how we'll be utilizing our two-headed monster at RB). Will also be curious to see how the White/Choice #3 RB battle continues to play out.

  7. I actually see this sentiment as one of very few that all posters agree on. Fitz doubters, haters and lovers alike ... the honeymoon is officially over. I'm a Fitz lover, myself .. and I fully expect him to have positive results.


    Sure thing. Hoping for, even expecting good results. But even if our D is nails on the field like they are on paper, we can't expect to win every game 10-3. Let's git 'er done, boys!

  8. Will be in town for the opener against KC, the last game against the Jets, and hopefully at least one other. Selling the rest of my seasons and watching the games on DTV here in NC with a bunch of neighbors and friends who are WNY transplants.


    And I randomly just met another diehard Bills fan/WNY transplant at the science museum yesterday while our two little kids (born a day apart as it turns out), played together. As all you WNY expats know, we have a strange psychic bond and tend to just kind of find each other.

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