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Posts posted by jimmy10

  1. I wish they wouldn't do it. Cool as it looks, it's really expensive.


    Actually, that's not an issue. I read recently (and a buddy of mine in the air force confirms) that flyovers at sporting events are always tied into training exercises/flight hours that the pilots need anyway. As someone alluded to above, often it's a matter of practicing their timing, hit a target at a precise time and all that.

  2. One vote for Stephon Gilmore as DROY.




    Interesting that the DROY votes are sort of all over the place, but for OROY, it's Luck in a landslide, followed only by Richardson. Luck will probably end up being very good, but plenty of great QBs needed a few years to get their games together. RB is much more of a plug-and-play kind of position. I bet OROY ends up being Richardson.

  3. I can't stand him either. I'm just using it as an example that there isn't some conspiracy by the 4-Letter or any other national source to either rag on us or ignore us at every opportunity. See also John Clayton's comments on WGR last night. It just goes to show: We are what we are. We made a lot of noise this offseason and preseason games don't really matter.

  4. I have no idea what to expect for this game. There's all the questions we have on offense, there's all the questions on exactly what the F the Jets are going to do with St. Timothy of Gainesville. I am sure both Chan and Rex have a lot up their sleeves.


    I know this though: A Northern New Jersey crowd chanting "TE-BOW, TE-BOW!" is definitely a sign of the end of times.

  5. This morning while on the road for work I heard Cowherd's NFL predictions. He calls the Bills one of his dark horse favorites in the AFC and says no other team in the league did as much this offseason to address their needs. He puts us in the playoffs as a wild card with a 10-6 record.


    I am getting so sick of this non-coverage/negative coverage by the national media. When will it stop?

  6. I do not think they want to expose Rian Lindell to having to either make tackles or take on blockers. His shoulder injury last year really contributed to their second half slide. Since they seem to be all in this year, I think they want him to be making their "gotta have them" kicks.


    That's a great point, I forgot about Lindell's injury and how he got it while tackling a guy who got past coverage. Keep him for the ice-in-your-veins field goals, and have the kid gradually learn and take over all the kicking duties.

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