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Posts posted by jimmy10



    There was definitely some "I hope he's done for the season" type yelling as the injury occurred, but it was the alcohol and bitterness talking.


    Man, I can't see myself ever getting to that level of bitterness, and I can get pretty bitter. But to actually cheer for the injury of a player? I think it's pretty messed up.

  2. You pretty much never see this kind of douchebaggery at other sports. I don't recall ever seeing an in-stadium fight at the 1,000 or so NHL hockey games I've attended. Same for pro baseball, pro or college basketball, college football... NFL seems to have exclusive domain over classless a$$bags getting wasted and fighting in the stands...


    I saw PLENTY of fights at Fenway Park when I used to live in Boston in the early 2000s. This was before their WS runs, when the tickets weren't insanely expensive. Most of the fights occurred in the cheap seats.

  3. It is absolutely amazing to me, with how bad Freddy's injury looked, and how much pain CJ appeared to be in yesterday, that we could potentially have both of them back by early October. Good lord, I just hope whenever they come back that they're healthy enough to not risk further or career-ending injuries!

  4. There were a TON of Bills fans there today... Towards the end of the game it felt like a home game as everyone got loud as hell when the Cleveland O took the field. I have been to a ton of away games but I never have seen that many opposing fans in a stadium. go Bills!


    You shoulda seen Bills/Panthers down in Charlotte a few years back. With all the WNY transplants down here, the crowd was seriously just about 50/50. Awesome time.

  5. Clavicle fracture would have been easily picked up on x-ray. Probably doesn't need an MRI as any decent ortho-pod that does an exam should be able to tell if it is a sprain or a disclocation. Doesn't matter though as they will throw him in the scanner as soon as he wakes up Monday.


    I hope they give him something to help him sleep. Whatever it is, I'm sure it hurts like hell. Get well, CJ!

  6. It's not every day that you read the word 'temerity' on the Wall. Correct usage is probably even rarer. Nice.




    One of the reasons I like TSW so much more than every other Bills forum. We have people here that can actually form a cogent thought or bust out an SAT word every now and then. (Myself excluded.)


    Also, RE: the game Sunday. I really hope Mario can give their rookie RT the business.

  7. Totally agree. I've got a bad feeling about Wannstache. There's enough talent on this defense to be really good. It seems as though they are still in preseason mode with the playcalling though.


    Are you kidding? I read in multiple places that his defensive playcalling against KC was extremely complex and had many moving parts, masking and bringing pressure from all over the place. Shep's sack, Anderson actually dropping back into coverage more like an LB... One article (apologies, can't remember which one to link) said it was the kind of game film that would give next week's opposing quarterback fits.

  8. There was also a throw at one point to CJ going across the middle... I remember it looked like a nice throw from my perspective in the stands, and watching the game on my DVR yesterday confirmed what i thought I saw. Fitz threw a bullet that hit CJ right in the hands at full stride.


    All-World he's not, I get that. But I feel like if he can just be adequate, managing the game and not screwing up while our defense continues to treat us to stops and good field position... There's no reason we can't win 7-9 more games this year.

  9. Extend the Toronto deal, continue to build the fan base up there, within 5-10 years there's new ownership and a new stadium on the way in Niagara Falls, NY. Build up the transportation infrastructure to easily allow southern Ontario fans to cross the border, and... Who knows? It's so wacky it just might work. I don't pretend to have any answers, but I'm pretty sure that keeping the Bills in WNY will require some creative solutions. So Godspeed to whoever is figuring it out.

  10. I absolutely hate the generation of 20-35 year old Bills fans that have taken over the Ralph. Most of them were just barely too young to remember the good ol days and how fans should act. They only know 12 years of losing, and that Bills games are nothing more than an excuse to get as drunk as possible and act like an ass.


    I dont get why anyone would spend money on tickets and then act like this.


    You're at a football game. Enjoy some football. If you are only there to get drunk, stay at a bar or better yet, at home.


    My wife and I are 33 and 34, we remember the glory days during junior high and high school. We were at the opener the other dayand were stone cold sober the whole time. And we are far from teetotalers. Just sayin'...

  11. Glenn looked incredible yesterday, especially on that run with him running ahead of CJ and Spiller running directly behind him as he bulldozed there entire secondary. Was EPIC to watch that!


    I was at the game, on the opposite side of the field so I didn't have a great view, but after watching the replay on my DVR... You're right, it was a thing of beauty. Whoever came up with the "Snow Plow" as a nickname might be on to something...


    Did anyone know that our oline is nicknamed Wolfpack? Murph said it today..,


    Graham and Mario must've put the idea in their heads...

  12. Yeah, from the stands I remember seeing Levitre and Wood flipping their sh*t on a few occasions, pointing at Hali and jawing at the refs. Speaking of which, you can really tell how much players are working the replacement refs in general, seemingly much more so than you normally see with the regular refs.

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