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Posts posted by jimmy10

  1. Funny how you never hear of anyone being a Seahawks-Nets-Royals fan, but there much be thousands of Cowboys-Lakers-Yankees fans. :lol:


    I've got a buddy, I kid you not, he's a Yankees and Patriots fan. Yankees. And. Patriots. That's a critical mass of douche. That's like an entire planet comprised entirely of douche in all its forms, solid, liquid and gas. It's douche cubed.


    He claims to be a lifelong fan of both. He might be, he might not be. But one thing I've noticed in recent years: Nothing brings out the "lifelong fans, even when their team was terrible" like a hugely successful decade.

  2. I've been a Blue Jays fan since I was a little kid in the 1980s. My dad went to school in Toronto, and I grew up in WNY so we vacationed in Canada every year. Started going to games in 1988 (I actually caught a foul ball at my very first game, Jays v. Twins, I was 10 years old), and have been a huge fan ever since. I was in high school when the Jays won back-to-back WS in `92 and `93, so that's been my only taste of my team winning it all. Both the Bills and Jays were amazing in the early 90s, and have not done very much since then. So it's been a long dry spell for me both in baseball and football, my two favorite sports.


    Since my dad was in Toronto back in the NHL's Original Six days, I'm also a Leafs fan by birth, though not really hardcore. The fact that the Leafs haven't done squat since well before I was born helps, so we just won't talk about that. :)


    I was working at Duke when Duke men's basketball won it all back in 2010, so that was kind of fun to be a part of, but not the same since I'm not really a hardcore basketball fan.

  3. I haven't looked at all the names on the Stadium Wall of Fame in awhile...is his name on there?? If it is, and if this story is true (i.e. he truly contends he has the knife that he used to kill his wife and Goldman and is selling it for $5 mill) then his name should come down.


    Yup, still up there.

  4. I love when people call chans offense complex when all that happens is the receivers run slants and comeback routes and delayed screens over the middle. It's almost obvious what play theyre going to do


    I don't think it's the routes, etc, that are that complicated. Even Chan has said so. It's that they expect each receiver to know the routes for all the WR positions so they can be like interchangable parts and switch up roles to confuse defenses. I'm not enough of an X's and O's guy to understand it, but it sure sounds like a good idea on paper. Executing it is obviously the tricky part.

  5. 13) Congrats people! We are 3-3, and still alive after 3 ugly losses of historic proportion. This is the hardest Bills team to figure in many years.


    That's my big takeaway. While we arrived at our current record via the ugliest route possible, 3-3 is where I figured we'd be at this point. We're in it 'til we're not, and in the AFC, only Houston and Baltimore have better records than us.

  6. That's funny. I've lived in major cities myself. My question wasn't "Hey, where can I get a load on and still drive to Fairfax without getting busted?" I have a work event tomorrow evening on campus at GMU. My obligations begin around 8, which makes seeing the whole Bills game AND getting where I need to be on time hard, unless there's a place to watch the game smack dab near campus. I understand that a DC 30 mins = a WNY 10 mins. I'm looking for an actual 10 mins.

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