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Posts posted by jimmy10

  1. Chatter out of Langley this morning is that Lindsay Lohan is interested in a minority share of the Bills.

    Her, Fred Smerlas, and the Goo Goo dolls were seen at Tempo last night. Story developing.


    Dude, you need to stop spreading such lies. Ani DiFranco, Luke Russert and the estate of Rick James are all well known to have close business ties. With Lance Diamond at the healm, they are prepared to announce their outright cash payment for the franchise and stadium Monday night at 11:59pm.

  2. If you are John Gruden, why in the world would you take the Buffalo job.?




    Well, he's already won elsewhere, so maybe the next step for some über-competitive types would be to go to a completely back-asswards situation and see if you can't turn it around. Kinda like Theo Epstein going to the Cubs. When you're young and you've already tasted success on the biggest stage, why not see if you can try it again with a bigger challenge?

  3. My thought: Seven years seems like a pretty arbitrary timeline for the penalty to just fall off a cliff. Maybe it's known or assumed that around that timeframe, the ownership question will be settled and a new question raised: A new stadium. Then, the cheaper opt-out will make it easier for the Bills to skip out of the Ralph for new confines, and also maybe make for leverage with the county when it's decided whether or not to even build the new stadium in Erie County.

  4. Don Beebe chasing down Leon Lett and knocking the ball out of his showboating hand. In the face of getting their asses kicked on the biggest stage possible, it says something about a player and team's character to not back down, give up, or take anybody's BS hubris.

  5. Whoa, wait, the Pats were dickish about something? I don't believe it.


    That said, you don't like it, stop it. I feel the same way about "excessive celebrations." I don't like them, but that doesn't mean I think they should be banned. Like Daniel Tosh says, go ahead, dance in the end zone. Just don't B word when a free safety takes your head off on the next possession.

  6. Let me say...I love our team. With that said, I may take this week off or listen on the radio (if I can find a station that carries it online). At 3-5 if we win we are still in the bottom half of the league and if we lose...well, it confirms that we have fallen short of our Spring 2012 expectations. Does anyone else experience this "funk" ?? Just not excited about watching Chan call pass plays all day and Wanny call in base defenses with no blitzes. tired of watching Sheppard get run over. Go Bills...I'll watch ESPN highlights I guess. Just don't have it in me this week for some reason.


    I'm with you, man.

  7. I think plenty of people have already been throwing up on this season. :)


    But giving up? Yeah, probably. I mean, I love this team as much as anyone, but obviously somebody in the organization (it can be argued who) doesn't care enough to put a quality product on the field, so maybe I need to stop caring so much about watching. I can find better things to do on beautiful fall afternoons.

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