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Posts posted by jimmy10

  1. F5 is the shortcut key for reloading a page. So when you have a thread that moves quickly...for example the Mario Williams saga...if you're monitoring the posts closely you are repeatedly F5 F5 F5'ing your keyboard


    It's funny that that turned into a joke, because it just started with me saying something in the million page Mario thread about "sitting here hitting F5 with you idiots all day" or something like that, and a few people were like "wait, what does F5 do? holy sh*#, that's so much easier than clicking the refresh button!" :)


    I'm proud of my tiny little contribution to TSW lore... :D

  2. Another thing to think of is most of the guys coming out in this draft, he is probably pretty aware of. Between his own recruiting work at SU and then simply being in the college HC ranks... So you would think he comes in with automatic familiarity with this year's class that some coaching candidates who have been in the NFL wouldn't have.

  3. @AdamSchefter

    Chip Kelly considered Eagles but ultimately decided it was better to stay at Oregon.



    Chip Kelly turned down a chance to go to the NFL and to returned to Oregon, according to sources. Considered Eagles but stayed at Oregon.



    It's done, Teams will steer clear of Kelly after stiffing the NFL two years in a row


    Phil Knight... isn't cheap enough?


    I don't know, who are we mad at about this? Can the whiners please fill me in?

  4. We would have hated any coach. Lovie, Whis...retreads. Kelly...no NFL experience. Gotta say I'm stunned by Marrone.


    Maybe it says something that they went for the younger unknown instead of one of the retreads/known mediocres. Or maybe it's all a regional marketing ploy. But it's an interesting move, for sure. When's the last time we had a HC younger than 50? Mularkey probably?



    Actually, I think the opposite. Twitter is a great info feed. You get to pick and choose who to follow and can make it a true one stop shop for all the info you need. I follow players, fan clubs and the press for all my teams and sports, plus other personal interest stuff, political pundits, news sources, entertainers/muscians I like, comediennes, hosts of radio and TV shows I like, on and on. "I Like Girls Daily" is also on there. You know...for diversity of content ;).


    Is also a great source for instant "hive mind" information. Example: I think it was an episode of Breaking Bad last season, and my audio was all messed up. I wondered if it was my TV or a bigger problem, and a quick search of Twitter for "breaking bad" and "sound" confirmed it was a widespread problem.


    I had just thought about the other things from WNY making their way here, too. One of the best - Wegmans is always rumored to be coming to Charlotte or RDU. Supposedly, they bought land some time in the 90's down here...


    I have a buddy who works at Wegmans HQ in Rochester. He confirms NC is on the long term radar.

  7. John,

    As you may be aware, Mr. Wilson has provided me the extraordinary opportunity to lead this storied franchise into the next generation of Buffalo Bills Football.

    As new Team President and CEO, I can promise you three things.

    We will be a progressive, forward thinking organization and we will challenge each other every day to provide our fans with the best possible experience at Ralph Wilson Stadium. You deserve a fun, safe and exciting environment at Ralph Wilson Stadium. Our staff will work tirelessly to provide these essential elements to you.

    We will leave no stone unturned in bringing this franchise to a championship level. Our first order of business is to identify a Head Coach who can lead us into the next generation of success for the Buffalo Bills. After that, General Manager Buddy Nix and his team will continue their preparation for the 2013 Draft, building on a roster that continues to improve and develop.

    Lastly, we are focused on the long-term success of this franchise. The new lease provides us a wonderful opportunity to develop dynamic, extended range plans that will ensure that Buffalo remains our home for a very, very long time.

    The only way we can accomplish our goals is through the passion and support of season ticket holders like you. Season ticket holders have always been the foundation we have used to build this franchise. It is this very foundation that we will use to bring this franchise back to a place we can all be proud of.

    Thanks again for your support. I want to wish you and your family a very Happy New Year!


    Warmest Regards,



    Russ Brandon

    President and Chief Executive Officer


    You mean he didn't write to me personally?



  8. Can't wait to see the video, I have heard insider rumors about what it contains


    It opens with Ralph looking old and frail sitting at a desk in what looks like his office at RWS. He discusses the last season and about how it disapointed everyone, the fans, players, coaches and especially himself. He says the entire coaching staff has been fired, and Nix is currently packing up his office along with Brandon and the rest of the front office.


    He then announces that they have hired Saint Polian to take over as the new President of football operations, who will work with Vice President Caldwell. The GM position will be filled by Doug Whaley who just finished hiring the new coaching staff that includes HC Bill Cowher, Assistant HC John Gruden, OC Thurman Thomas and DC Wade Phillips.


    Ralph then says that he has discussed with his family and they agreed that the team will be handed over to Jim Kelly (who steps out next to him at the desk) who will become the new owner, and as part of the deal the team will stay forever in the Kelly name and be handed down to his nephew when Jim decides its time


    Ralph then stands up from the desk and he looks heathier then Jack Lalanne in his prime and says that theres one more thing, rips down the curtain behind him to reveal moving trucks being loaded up at RWS and that the team will be moving into its new stadium, IN Los Angeles! He then flips off the camera and says "Screw you Buffalo, I'm in better shape mentally and physically then all of you! Thanks for all your gratitude for keeping the team in Buffalo for 50 years!" Him and Kelly then share a laugh, slape high fives and the camera fades to black..............


    That makes zero sense. You didn't even explain where the private salon fits into all that.

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