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Posts posted by jimmy10

  1. Of course, new head coach Doug Marrone may want Ryan Nassib, but it's not uncommon for a college coach to pass on his former players. For instance, we saw this in Seattle when Pete Carroll eschewed picking Taylor Mays in favor of the superior Earl Thomas.




    You know, that's a good point. It's not a lock that Marrone will want Nassib. Yes, he knows him better than any other coach, but that means he knows not only his strengths, but also his weaknesses. His job is to win in the NFL now, and presumably he's got a pretty good idea what the barometer for NFL QB success looks like. He was able to make Nassib into a very respectable Big Least QB, but could know very well that it won't translate. The notion of a new coach salivating over his own college QB in the upcoming draft sure would make for some good misdirection and smokescreens.


    In baseball, that is considered a part of the game and a good, hard-nosed play by pretty much everyone except catchers and second/third basemen getting spiked. In football, it's cheap and illegal and considered as such by pretty much everyone except Patriot fans.


    A pop-up slide or running into the catcher, yes, leading with the spikes, no. It's illegal interference and can lead to being called out. No matter the sport, it's leading with the feet with the intent to injure and a dirty play. Brady's a b*tch and Ty Cobb was too. :)


    Intentional? Where are you getting intentional related to Pollard? From what I've seen, he plays hard -- not dirty.


    Yeah, last night they played a montage of his 3 or 4 injury-causing hits on the Pats the last few years. Not a single one of them looked especially dirty. The Gronk hit, it looked like he just had his legs wrapped up like an old-school tackle.



    By definition is a slide with the foot up fall under the definition of a kick? I'm not denying it was a cheap move but not sure the refs missed a call there.


    In baseball we call it "spiking." I played catcher and third base and have scars on the side of each leg from getting spiked by sliding runners. Kicking, spiking, slide tackling, whatever the semantics debate settles on, a dirty play is a dirty play.

  5. Scanning some of the Chowderhead message boards, their defense of Belichick's pissiness comes down to two main points:


    1. He and Brady hate losing.


    Yes, so we should all lay off and be sensitive about their feelings. After all, this league made up entirely of world-class athletes and coaches who have dedicated their lives to a sport? All of THOSE guys like to lose. Brady and Lord Grumbledore are the only ones who are ACTUALLY competitive and DISLIKE defeat.


    2. The media have mistreated Belichick ever since "Spygate" (chowderheads actually put it in quotes) and so therefore he doesn't owe the media nothin'.


    This point is pretty funny because it completely ignores the constant fawning-over the Pats receive.


    So basically it all comes down to hurt feelings, according to the Massh*les. Well, boys, I think you could all just pop a Midol and get in front of the camera for 90 seconds instead of looking like the bunch of sore-ass losers you are.


    Happy Patriots Schadenfreude Day, everyone!

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