Every cancer is different and one umbrella cure is not possible. Great strides have been made in certain cancers like skin, prostate, breast and even childhood leukemia where survival rates are many times better than they ever were and in some cases the odds are AGAINST death.
Lots of good work is happening and will continue to happen. Genomic research is leading to customized regimens of chemotherapy. Just a few short years ago oncologists would just blast away at your cancer with whatever drugs they had in their arsenal. Now we are beginning to read a person's genetic profile and know what drugs they are more or less likely to respond to. It's amazing stuff. Again, I am not a scientist nor do I pretend to be one. In my line of work, I am around this stuff a lot though, and pick up what I can here and there.
In the meantime, we fight as best we can. F#*% cancer! Kick it's ass, Jim!!!