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Everything posted by RevWarRifleman

  1. Sure will! Our son is in Afghanistan. Although its not his birthday, we did get a short phone call from him today. First time we've heard from him in several weeks. But we will salut your son and hope he gets back soon.
  2. Chef, good question, but I think that Ralph doesn't really give a d^@mn about fame & glory. Which is why he's keeping it on the down low. His history shows that over the years when compared to the other AFL/NFL owners, he's a low key guy
  3. Try Googling "Sports Bars in Oahu" and see what you find. Then try emailing/ calling the possibilities to "fine tune" your search. I've been to Wakiki, but don't know if there's much out on Oaho. But mostly, enjoy your honeymoon.
  4. Well said, evelbuffalobob!! I love the "When did we lose Lee Evens", and the rest of the post. Well done.
  5. "Expert" is right. That's the worst "analysis" for predictions I've ever read. A 5th grader could do better.(and I'm not trying to slam 5th graders.) They're ignorant, really ignorant. Evidently their formula is: Recall how the Bills looked last year, bring in some percieved negative things (ex: "the QB situation is scary", "there's issues at runningback") and then say the Bills will win only 2 or 3 ballgames. And oh by the way, anybody hear Warren Sapp's comment about Buffalo on yesterday's Total Access on NFL Network? "What do you like about Buffalo, Warren"? I don't like anything about Buffalo......except maybe the chicken wings." And that was it!!! Gosh, NOW I see why they pay you the big money Sapp.
  6. In my best Jim Mora voice, "PLAYOFFS!!!! PLAYOFFS!!!! DON'T TALK ABOUT.....PLAYOFFS" Hey Coach 55, I hope you're right.
  7. Who cares about this topic. Cowher, like Gruden & Shannahan didn't want to come to Buffalo. We got a guy who wants to be here and clearly he's making a difference. Bringing up this topic is a waste of time & energy. We're moving forward now and putting that stuff in the past.
  8. SJBF, good points, and good insight into the game. Thanks for posting. RWR
  9. I believe that was a Chiefs defensiveback last year after our game w/ them. I don't deny that a Patriot may have said that, too. But I remember the post game quote from him. Can't remember his name, though.
  10. And how did we get the Cousineau pick in '79? Was that #1 draft pick position we got somehow OJ to San Fran. connected? I remember reading an article by Larry Felser long ago where he discussed this. But the details he mentioned in the article escapes me.
  11. Maddog that's cold. I laughed my butt off at it, though.
  12. Well said SJBF. We should cherish our team and enjoy the moment of another Tng. camp. And you're spot-on w/ the Bills being like a loved one to many of us. I think that's in part why some fans get so negative when the team struggles. They want so much for the team to succeed. So hey, savor the moments.
  13. There's always doom and gloom that one can choose to think about, especially when we go into the world of "what if" and "it's in the realm of possibility". Many of the things that "could happen to the franchise" are things we can't control. So why bother about worrying too much about them. At this moment, our son is on his way for his tour in Afghanistan, so there's lots of doom & gloom my wife & I could put out there all in the name of "it's possibe." Its also possible that he'll return safely. So that's what we choose. Back to the original post. With the start of Tng camp, here are things I'm certain of w/ this new beginning for the Bills: We will have better head coaching than we've had in several years. We will have better game time coaching & adjustments than we've had. This is a huge plus in my book. Our run-stopping ability will improve. Once again our defensive backfield will be fun to watch. Roscoe & other players will be better utilized. (See point #1 above) Our Special teams will once again be a headache to our opponents. We will have a good future with our team from here forward. Go Bills!
  14. The third guy you're trying to remember was (not sure of the spelling, here) Chiti Ahonitu. Yea, the arrogance of being limosined in from Toronto. What? Buffalo wasn't good enough? I think that was during the Greg "Air Horn" Willaims era. Plus, the guy was a journeyman at best as a defenseman.
  15. Thanks for responding. I agree w/ the above insight. RWR
  16. You got that right, Promo. It seems though, that this logic escapes the great minds of the "experts" at ESPN and NFL Network.
  17. You got that write. I was the king of mallowpops. Hank Bullough
  18. Ok Bills fans, here's one I think we can have fun with. Over the past several months, lots of posters here have quoted Jouron's, "It's hard to win in the NFL" when complaining about Jouron, and rightfully so. So with that in mind, share some of the quotes you remember, be they some of the best ones in Bills history, or the lame ones (see above.) Any of you remember Hank Bullough?
  19. Chris Johnson We got to get C. J. inked to a contract. Go Bills, baby!
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