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Everything posted by RevWarRifleman

  1. A drill sargent in the Marine Corps.
  2. Yeh. I bet if Collinsworth crossed over the falls into Canada, he'd probably think he "could see Russia"!
  3. "I'm a dedicated Jane Fonda Workout man!"
  4. Virgil, another good post. I always look for your post after Bills games. Thanks.
  5. Chandler#81, Thanks so much for describing this so well! Those of us who remember these games know the value of plays like that from the old AFL days. And it's im- portant that Bills fans like you articulate the circumstances before the play that gives Stratten's hit it's resounding impact on the championship game, as well as it's rightful place in Bills history. Well done my good man.
  6. Old School> Mike Stratten's hit on Keith Lincoln.
  7. His maturation has been great to see since his first season! He reminds me of a young Aaron Rogers.
  8. THIS, is the day we've all waited for for 20 years!!!! How good it feels!
  9. Yes, and I've smelled that pipe tobacco once or twice since then, too.
  10. Yes, somewhat. I'm pretty sure it was my father. I was doing some work in the yard. When I was walking toward the tool shed, I saw out my peripheral vision a man wearing the same style of pants my dad used to wear. When I looked over in that direction, it was gone, but I smelled pipe tobacco. My Dad smoked a pipe for a few years during my teenage years. There was no one in the yard nor neither my neighbors' yards either.
  11. Almonds, especially in Dove dark chocolates.
  12. Gee, we've seen this before, have'nt we?
  13. I grew up in Middleport. I thought you might have been there when you made reference to it in your post.
  14. Ahh Middleport, a fine town. How do you like Mr Ed's?
  15. Well, it doesn't exist anymore. Used to be a real popular place in Middleport back in the 70's - 80's. The guy that owned it was nick names "Plowy". When he died, that was it for that place.
  16. Ahhh the Purple Rams. Do you know of a pub named Plowy's?
  17. Yes, last week a poster got mocked by some for being a bit dramatic about the importance of the 3rd quarter & the weakness of the Bills in that qtr. Well here we are again! Miami last week almost pulled it out, and now this game! "Houston, we have a coaching problem."! This malady falls on McDermott and Frazier. And speaking of Houston, last season in that playoff game, the Bills had a 16 point lead mid-way through the 3rd and lost. This has got to stop.
  18. Zerovoltz, we'll serve you a side of Buffalo wings with your crow. They tell me it pairs well. Go Bills!
  19. True. The 3rd quarter, especially the opening minutes thereof is one of the most important parts of the game. That time in the game can be a tone setter, momentum changer and can shift the whole game in your favor.
  20. Better watch it. Some people on this board might start saying the Bills should get Fitz for our backup qb.
  21. God bless her, Bill. She's at peace now. God bless her, Bill. She's at peace now.
  22. Marv Levy, he has none of the attributes I admire and all the vices I despise. Go Marv
  23. Don't ya love it?!!!! Agree. Big city bias is what I say.
  24. What I expect to see this Sunday & all through this season is a more explosive offense than what we've seen in the last 2 yrs. This will take way more pressure off of our defense and that will enable them to be more rested in the 4th quarter. If the offense can regularly put up say, 28+ points a game, It'll be really tough for other teams to stay with the Bills. That's my 2 cents. Go Bills!
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