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Everything posted by RevWarRifleman

  1. We lead the league in Red Zone TD's too. Go Bills!!!
  2. KOKBILLS, don't worry about those guys.They go anyway the wind blows. A week before the season began, they all picked the Bills to be a wildcard team. One week later, they're jumping off the bandwagon after one game!!! Thay aren't Bills fans anyway. Also, the best sauve for the Bills after that away-game opener, is the friendly confines of the Ralph. I think both the Bills & the fans will want to see blood after a loss like that. I think KC will battle hard, but don't worry, the Ralph is a hard place to come away w/ a W with fired-up fans the Bills anxious to redeem themselves.
  3. I'm 64. Grew up in Niagara county and have been a Bills fan since 1960. Don't live in WNY anymore, but still a passionate Bills fan. For me, there's no "off-season" in following the Bills. Go Bills, beat KC this week end, and a lot of other teams this season & for many years to come. RWR
  4. Any team that wants to be considered relvant & a serious playoff team has to win divisional games. Next is be at least 500% w/ winning away games. Any playoff team knows that they'll probably have at least one playoff game one the road. Got to establish yourselves their. Home games should pretty much be a given. That's my 2 cents at least.
  5. LOL. Why Promo, I'm shocked. A rediculous post from U. Your posts, in my opinion, are usually one of the best & most insightful. Been enjoying them for years. I did laugh my __ __ __ off when I read it though. Keep up the good work and.......... Go Bills!
  6. LOL!!! That's great, Fluff Head. I'd hate to hear what you might do to cure hemroids LOL LOL! Great, Fluff Head. However, I'd hate to hear what you do for hemroids. Actually though, watching the Bills over the last dozen years has been like getting a kick in the ol' family jewels.
  7. A week from today kicks it off for the Bills. Fan-tastic!! A lot of fans, like myself, have supersticions about their team. Its crazy, but we think that somehow, it will bring good luck to our team. I got a buddy that I've watched Bills games with for years. Every opening regular season game for the Bills, he does 3 shot with his beer in the opening minutes of that game. That's his "good luck" ritual. Me, I put out our Bills flag in front of the house the morning of game day, and I HAVE to have a plate of wings during the game. For me, I'm set. I'm good to go. Bring on the season. Any others who care to share, feel free. And let the season begin. Go Bills!!!!!!!
  8. What!!!??? Troll? You must write for the Richmond Times Dispatch, ie, have no knowledge of football.
  9. Andy Reid is not Dick Jouron.
  10. Big Cat, good post. I agree. RWR
  11. vanilla desenses are being used. little emphasis on on agression.
  12. How come my name, RevWarRifleman, isn't given on my posts?

  13. Fluffhead, thanks for posting.
  14. Ok, thanks for your input and taking the time to post. Appreciate it, and enjoy the Bills, the tailgates, and those great Canadian brews. Go Bills!
  15. Ah oui, Gatineau. I've heard that Ottawa & the area from those who have been there is a great place to hang. Maybe some day me & my wife can make the trip. Yeah, I'm somewhat familiar with the wide open territory it is around St Catherinesand how nicely a stadium would fit. So, with that being said, I'd like to bounce this question off of you. You seem to be a pretty knowledgeable Canadian sports fan. Say the 'regionalization' powers that be get their way after Ralph dies & the Bills move into a new stadium across the border, even if it's just outside N-Falls, let alone out around St Catherines. Would putting an NFL team there eventually mean the death of the two CFL teams from Hamilton & Toronto? And if that could be a viable possiblity, wouldn't that, at least, severelly cripple, if not collapse the CFL? Just a question. Your thoughts?
  16. You live in the Province of Quebec? Cool. This might be a bit off from the poster's topic, Billsfreak17, but one of the best experiences we had watching a Bills game on TV was was in Quebec City. It was during the first few weeks of the 2008 season & we would go to a great place called "La Cage a Sports". Great facilities, food, service & tons of TV's all over. We came in & told the waitress what game we wanted, & before we knew it, they turned almost ALL of the TV's to the Bills game. Sweet. We've been to the city several times, and our experience those weeks at the La Cage a Sports was one of many, many while in Quebec. Just thought I'd share. When you mentioned where you live, those are the memories I have.
  17. Did someone from Canada murder a member of your family?? Such negative whining. Canadians are good people.
  18. Thanks for the input from a Southern Ontarioan.
  19. For me the ESPYS have gone by the way of the Pro Bowl, I don't watch it.
  20. I say you have a real good point. I know weirder things have happened. But it doesn't seem logical to me that the county government & taxpayers would embark on a $200 mil.plus stadium project w/o some ironclad provisions in place first to keep the Bills in WNY regardless if Ralph does or doesn't die before it's completed. That's my take on it, anyway.
  21. Both you & RyanC above hit on a key point about the Canadians. They are fickle, and besides, hockey is their addiction. Moving the Bills over to the Canadian side of the border will result in loosing a lot of Bills fans from western & central/southerntier of NY. Too long to travel, too much of a headache and too much $ involved to do it. Moreover, placing an NFL franchise over the border would be right in the back yard of the two CFL teams that already have a long tradition w/ their respective fans. How much football could the area support in a country where, as I've said, their addiction is hockey???
  22. They missed Moorehead, ND 1. Moorehead, ND 2. ?????? 3. Pink
  23. ted WASHINGTON namon ROOSEVELT sam ADAMS ralph (woodrow) WILSON - 'he kept us out of war, and the playoffs'
  24. 1. Milan, Italy 2. The Milan Chainey's 3. Black I like your sense of history.
  25. True. I'm looking for Kelvin Shepherd to improve big this year. Great post. LOL.
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