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Everything posted by RevWarRifleman

  1. Yeh, from to sucking to chicken wing sucking.
  2. Good 'ol " I'm dumb again, Sue" at it again.
  3. Congratulations to you, man! Way to go. Have fun in your retirement, and Go Bills.
  4. We'll soon know who plays who next Saturday & Sunday. Give your predictions who wins in the AFC matchup, who wins in the NFC matches?
  5. Buddy said at the time of the trade: "we're not that far off."
  6. "Ask NOT, what the Raidas can do for you, but what can you do for the Raidas." "I have a dream today, just win, baby."
  7. Bill, a rare mid-week post! This is special. Well, I think we have the defense to keep us in the game, up top a point. But our offense trying to keep pace will be the achilli's heal I'm afraid. Thanks for posting, Bill, both from Sunday and today. Go Bills!
  8. Well, you must have a weak stomach. My staying positive is far from an "acceptance" of failure. The Bills are who they are. Their areas of poor play is just par-and-parcel of the whole 2014 package.
  9. Good for you Casey D. Stick to your guns, man. Somebody that's not a head-hanger, that's refreshing.
  10. We'll be in Miami in two weeks. Go Bills!
  11. Marrone, please, look at every phase of pass coverage too.
  12. FTL, thanks for including that video of Spiller in 2012. That's good stuff that proves a good point: Chan worked ways to get CJ out into space. He's lethal then. Why Hackett/Marrone don't utilize this is frustrating! Enjoyed many of your points this season, too. And thanks for digging up the 2012 CJ vid. Good stuff. This is real football. RWR
  13. Thanks Bills for posting. I especially agree with points 9 & 10. Many good observations have been posted already about those 2 points. Here's some of mine. Overall, the D gave Brady WAY too much time to scan & throw on WAY too attempts. Gotta put pressure on him early, and often. The Bills O is NOT explosive at all. They're terminally slow starting games too. What to do? Especially when the D or Spec. Teams gets a turnover, Offense should go right into hurry up on a quick count and throw deep. Try to score right on the first play. When they (offense) are on the sidelines, have 2 plays already planned to go. The O-line doest not have the push up the middle for a good enough running game. So make short/medium passed to both CJ & Fred as your "running game. Spread the offense & get those guy out into space. A final thing. The day after the Detroit win, Hackett & Sammy have a long one to one film session studying Stevie's games against Revis. If Stevie can beat Revis, Sammy CERTAINLY has the talent to do it too. Thanks again Bill. And Go Bills! Move on to the Viking game.
  14. It truly is a new era in Bills history today. Thank you so much Terry & Kim Pagula for buying the Bills. Next step, win the Super Bowl. Go Bills!
  15. Yes. Orton doesn't have to be great each week. He just needs to be competent. Bills have the D to keep games close. We'll see how that ( w/ Orton) goes over the next few weeks.
  16. Bravo to you, Ralph Wilson! I salute you. RWR Well done, K9.
  17. I say we go 3-1. Even if Orten plays at near the same level as EJ, Bills can take Minn & Jests. He'll play better than that. Go Bills!
  18. I don't see why anybody should be giving Orton excuses to get up to speed w/ the game or playbook. He's a 10 yr vet that knows the game. Been with the Bills for 6 weeks now and should know the playbook. Unless he's another Billy Joe Hobert, (Remember him Bills fans?) he should be fine. He's watched game film and should be aware we have some O-line issues. But after his first offensive series, the rust should be gone. I'll be lenient by giving him at most, the first quarter to get used to the game-speed of things. That's my take on this guy. Go Bills!
  19. Bocephuz, thanks for doing the work. This breakdown gives me a clearer perception of the frequency of these things going on. Preciate it. If you wouldn't mind doing something like this each week, if U have the time & inclination, I know I wouldn't mind and probably others would like it as well. Also maybe, other weeks breaking down passes defensed, tackles missed, (especially open-field tackles whiffed....) Nevertheless, thanks for taking the time and hope there's some more coming. Go Bills!
  20. I remember having jreck subs in college at Oswego. Sucked! But when you have no $, ya gotta eat cheap.
  21. All I'm hearing from Toronto..........................crickets!
  22. To Mary Wilson and the trust, I thank you so much for selling the Bills to the Pagulas. The Bills will stay in Buffalo where they belong. I've been a Bills fan since their beginning and the Bills belong no where else. Go Bills!!
  23. Conte was pathetic, wasn't he? I say he got pushed around worse than a shopping cart at Walmart on Black Friday. Go Bills!
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