I know I posted to this previously, but I have a little more time now & want to put a few more things in.
First, thanks Yolo for putting the post up. Next, over the years that Ralph owned the team, I, like others, would get frustrated at the direction the team would be in during those chunks of losing seasons. But I always loved him for bringing pro football to western NY. And ever since that happened, the Bills have been my favorite team in all of sports, and my favorite sports topic to discuss, year around. Last year at this time, I felt like a family member passed away when I got the news that Ralph died. And when I watched the Steve Tasker presser about Ralph, I don't know why, but it really hit home with me & tears were running down my face. Maybe it was that even though he was trying to hold it together, he told that funny story about Ralph wearing his "lucky pair of pants" on Thursday's practices.
Anyway, R I P Ralph and thanks again.