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Everything posted by RevWarRifleman

  1. 26Corner, that's true. I just feel that the Bills, for right now, are one of those teams that "are not very good" because we don't know which Bills will show up. I hope they win out, & get into the playoffs. I just see it that, they have the capability of winning out, but they also could lose to Philly and/ or Dallas, the 2 weakest teams remaining. Its crazy, as well as disappointing. That being said, Go Bills this Sunday!
  2. I have to disagree with this. The way the Bills play, coupled with the coaching plus the players who are out, there in a position where there's no "easy wins." I think that people are viewing our weak remaining schedule are looking at the Bills as if we still have the 2 Williams' in the line up and our offense can put up 30 points a game. Looking at yesterday's game, the fact that the Bills lost to the Jags, Giants,barely got a W against the Titans, and still inflicts too many penalties, that this is an inconsistent team. Moreover, I think they've figured out that Tyrod has trouble reading his progressions, and are game-planning for that. In my opinion, as long as the Bills stay this inconsistent, no team is a sure win!!!
  3. terrible coaching, just terrible today
  4. True. The next step in Taylor's development as an established, bona-fide NFL quarterback, is to be effective in the pocket. Right now, he's too slow with his reads and his anticipation is not sharp yet. He holds onto the ball until the receiver is open, then he throws. He has to throw the ball sooner, anticipating where the receiver should be in the cut in his route. If he doesn't do this by next year, defenses will scheme for his slow reading, and he'll wind up being an also-ran QB in the NFL.
  5. Agree here. Bills got to travel with their defense here. They're not as affected by the crowd noise. Our defense has got to be stout tomorrow. O-line has to keep Tyrod clean. Chiefs know he has a tender shoulder & will be going after that. Sweet. Hope you're right!
  6. For me? I see a dog fight all the way to the end. But in the end, Bills get the W. Here's why: I think Rex's D schemes are starting to come together w/ the players, like up in NE. Rex says its time to get Sammy more involved in the offense. Therefore, that's telling Roman, desigh several plays that goes to Sammy's strengths & get the ball in his hands more. Aside from that, as long as the Bills don't go into double digit penalty land, and Special Teams don't become a liability (please, don't have Leodis on SP), we'll be all right.
  7. I Can Sleep......Thanks for taking the time to post this! As usual at this time of the year, there's so many teams in the running that its a rats nest to figure out. But thanks again. Go Bills!
  8. My tipping point is 12 - 15% for average service, 20% for very good service.
  9. Very true about the 13 points. If we scored just 13 points against any of the remaining 30 teams, we wouldn't be very successful.
  10. Good post. I particularly agree w/ Taylor & his progressions. With more experience he'll get there. But for now, he's too slow w/ his reads.
  11. Sucks, that's for sure! For me? I knew it was going to be tough to come away with a W in Foxboro right from the git-go. But I thought the Bills had a legitimate shot. That being said, one of the things about the Pats is, you have to play as near of a perfect game as possible, the whole 60 minutes. When a team makes a mistake here, or there, they capitalize on it. This I believe is an extension of Belichick, and Brady is his chief agent with that. You can talk about the blown calls by refs (reference Mike & Mike show this AM), acts of God (the wind blowing Carpenter's attempt wide), whatever. It would still apply if a 9-0 team was up there last night. That's how the Pats play. We did well up there last night. And I feel good about that. But the Bills are a team that is still learning how to win, so to speak. They will become that team, just like the Bills in the 90's when they made teams pay for there mistakes when they had to face the Bills at Rich / the Ralph. It sucks, yes. But we all knew it would take a lot. I'm looking forward to this Sunday's game where I know they'll fare better. Go Bills in KC and Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
  12. Amen to that. I'm as tired as anybody else of seeing the Patriots put yet another wuppin on the Bills over the last 15 yrs. But to sell out one's character & integrity over some professional sport is putting way, way too much importance on something that is recreation. This same kind of values has permeated too far in our society already. That's my 2 cents, so goes it. Go Bills on Monday night!!!
  13. And so is a game with lots of late-hit penalties.
  14. And so is a game with lots of late-hit penalties.
  15. My deepest sympathy to the whole Flutie family.
  16. I'm watching. You never know.
  17. Along with what U put, their O coordinater is Chan. In Thursday's game, I see Chan still likes to pass on 3rd and 1, 3rd & 2 or 3 instead of run the ball during that crucial part of the game. Same " junk" he did when he was w/ the Bills! Chan, who once told us: "Football is a tough game played the tough people." Really Chan? Is that why you like to pass on 3rd & short most times?
  18. Nice "thoughts" Bill. With #5: Glad you gave props to Rambo. The guy had a career game!!! #6: Agree. But that game was in Fitz's hand when they were deep in our Red Zone in the 4th qtr & he had time to throw! He never should have been afforded that. #8: Revis did have his hands full. Personally, I wished they would have gone to that pass to Watkins again that they attempted on our first drive. Sammy had the jump on him & that ball just barely missed. That would have been a sure 6. Last but not least, #7: nice lyrics.......Go Bills.
  19. A high compliment, but true.
  20. Agree with you @ the Jets game. It's basically for the Bills, a playoff game. Losing the Jags game is the big reason why. Unfortunately, that's a likely scenario you've described against the Jets. Hopefully though, you will be wrong. That is a likely scenario against the Jests. I'm hopeful too, that you will be wrong. Get your popcorn ready.
  21. Third quarter of the season starts Thursday. This will be the make/break stretch for many teams. How will the Bills do? Place your predictions. I'm going with 3 - 1. We all know who the one loss will likely be against. Nevertheless, Go Bills.
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