Depends on what you like. We just got it for this season. You can watch day games only when the 1PM and 4PM, east
coast time, games are over with. I live on the east coast, so tomorrow's Bills game w/ SF starts at 1. It won't be available
for me to watch until all 4: 30 games are over. Usually that's between 8:30 to 9pm. You can watch a condensed version
of it as there's a tab on the Game Pass website you can click on. Even if your watching the non-condensed version,
like my wife & I did last Sunday w/ the Rams game, it took about 2 hours to watch.
An added bonus we did was, we bought from Best Buy the Chromecast wireless mechanism where you can watch it on tv.
The color's great and there no herky-jerky motion in the picture. You can watch any game that week or previous weeks this
season, as well as the last 5 seasons. That includes playoffs & SB.
For $100 a season, my wife & I are satisfied. Directv wants way more than that, and going to a pub (which we did for years)
gets expensive when you get lunch there, 12 to 14 times a season. Hope this helped. Go Bills.