I'm with you, Justice. Earlier in the spring there was a post about Gilmore going to the Pats, and I stated that is the first 5 minutes of his first OTA he's
going to realize he's "no longer in Kansas with Toto." But the article transcends beyond the weight room & practicing in fowl weather in June. It's the whole
attitude about believing you're good and taking NOTHING for granted! Thus you're expected to work hard in the wt room, practice hard in ALL weather, pay
attention to all details, study lots of film,and on, and on that is expected/demanded from BB on down. You see Pats games, and you don't see stupid penalties,
stupid clock management, guys losing their cool......This is all demanded from Bellicheck, every minute of every practice and game. The results speaks
for itself. For us over the last 17 years, look at the bungling from the front office down to coaching, players drafted, and beyond that.