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Everything posted by RevWarRifleman

  1. Well with 2 picks in the first round, and the same in the 2nd, we ought to have our franchise qb.
  2. The Jets offense played good enough to win that SB. That's all that mattered. Not the fact that Namath didn't throw 4 or 5 td's.
  3. Joe Namath definitely belongs in the HOF. It's not always about stats, but the impact they had on the game during their era. His stats don't stink, although in 1967 he did become the first qb to throw for over 4,000 yards ( in 12 games). But I think he's mainly in the Hall because of this: He quarterbacked the first AFL team to win the Super Bowl, and it was not a fluke win. This was a huge breakthrough for the league which, at the time, a big part of the nation viewed the AFL as a bush league. He influenced the personality of professional sports just simply by how he lived off the field in a glamorous city, NYC. (the cult of personality, if you will.) The impact of the above points, influenced other sports and athletes for many years afterward. He really did leave quite a legacy, and by 1985, he was voted in. It's a game of human beings, not machines or computers spitting out stats.
  4. Good. Get him out of the MNF booth.
  5. Jmcraig44: How will I get through the rebuild year? By taking one game at a time. By appreciating the fact that McD is not Wrecks. By the fact that it's a new year = new hope.By enjoying Incognito plow the road. By enjoying one of the best running offenses in the NFL. By enjoying watching Kyle play another season for us. By watching our rookies and free agents to see how well they play. No, I don't expect them to make the playoffs. But it will be good to see the season start, as well as see how it unfolds.
  6. I thought it was going to be about Joe Namath.
  7. That's a great story Cherrybone. There is a sense of community with us Bills fans. We think of them kind of as family. Non-Bills fans don't understand. But for us Bills fans, a scenario like you just described can start up anywhere, anytime. Go Bills, 2017.
  8. Wanted them to win against the Rams. After that "nyet"!
  9. tpbf, love articles like this. Breaking down schemes. Thanks for posting.
  10. Yes. Maybe you should start a thread. What decade would you start at?
  11. So, whose your top 5. I will assume your 1 is your GOAT.
  12. Your post is the silliest I've seen! How old are you? Hey Einstein, its just football, so relax Skippy!!
  13. Hey OTAG, that's all the choices I get? Either or? Just joking, its fine. FWIW, GOAT? No, I think there's a guy in NE that's got that. Now, top 5, at best I'd put him at 4. With more SB wins that Brady, Montana, & Bradshaw have, and I may be leaving somebody out, I'd put him at 4 or 5. flame away
  14. He's totally legit. Even during his veteran years, he still studied and worked like he was a rookie trying to make the squad. They might as well start making his bust for the HOF now for he's a shoe-in first time eligible. Staying with the work ethic, what a great message to every rookie at the start of tng camp.
  15. I just was wondering if over the last 17 years if any of the Bill's QB's were ever that dedicated to their craft.
  16. In the '65 game, I liked how during half time commissioner Joe Fause talked about Boston getting a new stadium with a retractable dome to compete with NYC for multiple event entertainment venues. Man, he was "selling it" then.
  17. Thanks so much for posting! Great memories I have of those days.
  18. I thought it was a very interesting piece. What say you?
  19. section 122, for Maine, I'd recommend Bar Harbor. Beautiful place, lobster dinner way cheaper than anywhere in the country, lots of great outdoor places to see, hike, whatever. Another place on your list I'd recommend, Thousand Islands. Boat tours, beautiful country, great restaurants in Clayton, Alex Bay, Ogdensburg,. Drive up to Messena for the Eisenhour locks, the islands in the St Lawrence are worth the trip alone. Good luck at whatever U choose.
  20. Philly, You make a good point. But, may I ask you how you came up with your name??? lol when I saw it.
  21. qeg88, a very good post & read. I love film that breaks down plays as part of the discussion. Thanks.
  22. Aloue's open with a W.
  23. Poleshifter, I like Montreal. I have Canadian French in my heritage.
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