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Everything posted by RevWarRifleman

  1. It is a refreshing change of pace. Your welcome. If anybody else knows some AFL war stories, please share.
  2. Ex, thanks a lot! That's who it was. I remember now. It's amazing because I have'nt talked about that in decades, mainly because I forgot about it all these years. It was only during this thread did it come to mind. But anyway, thanks for doing the research Ex. Some more great stuff about the league.
  3. All I can recall is, it was in the first 2-3 years of the league. He played on one of the teams out west, KC, Houston maybe. We're talking about 55 years ago. Our family was over to our grandmother's house for Sunday dinner. Had the game on & the play by play guy mentioned it during the game. That's all I can remember. The reason was, that he used it for motivation, because teacher's salary was so low. It MUST have been low ! Because those players didn't get squat for money.
  4. The memories are great. Dwight, do you remember that one guy on a team that pasted his first teacher paycheck to the inside of his helmet 1 Baltimore, Cleveland, Pittsburgh
  5. It is good Dwight. It is good. In a lot of those games, from the opening whistle to the final gun, it was ball-to-the-wall, AFL style.
  6. Here, here. I hope that our younger fans do not forget this league, or lesson the importance of it as time moves on. The league deserves to be remembered.
  7. Yeh, Tripucka. Previous he was the QB coach in Denver, and they were so strapped for a QB due to injuries, the head coach told Tripucka to suit up. He was a qb in the CFL prior to coming to Denver. That's one of the things I love about the league. It started out as a shoe string league, but it grew into something really great. The common thread all throughout was good, entertaining football on the field.
  8. You're so right, Roy. No lead was ever safe in the AFL. I remember one game from the early 60's that the Bills were at Denver. They had about a thirty point lead over the Broncos at the half. The Broncs wound up WINNING the game! All the scoring in the 2nd half was done by Denver. I was young too at the time and sports was really a big thing to me then. Playing them as well as watching them. If our younger fans ever wanted to get a glimps of how the early AFL was, two retro games I'd recommend: 1. The "Come Back" game against Houston, and 2. the "No Punt" game against the 9'ers. Put the popcorn on & enjoy. Long live the AFL!
  9. RIP YA. In the '62 championship game, he got hit so hard it cracked his helmet. It's in a glass case in the HOF in Canton. ***The helmet that is, not YA
  10. Yeh, I can't believe it either. With one fan it actually makes him MAD!
  11. Rex was, to quote Tom Cruise in A Few Good Men, gallacticly STUPID!!!!!!!
  12. Gort says it means "Beam me up."
  13. Were'nt those the 3 words that were said to Gort in the movie "The Day the Earth Stood Still"?
  14. Good points, theRalph. But until the Bills start beating teams "they're not supposed to beat" they'll still be the same old Bills to the football world. It all boils down to that. Go Bills in Carolina.
  15. Wide right, as hard as that was to watch, didn't make me shed a tear. I thought those Bills would be back in the SB soon afterward. Ironically, what did get to me was "The Four Falls of Buffalo." Reflecting back on those days........ Will were ever see them again?
  16. Plus, we have Lawson. Who needs Mario.
  17. We wish you well, and that you don't get hit too bad. When you can, give us an update when Irma has passed your area, please
  18. Ahh, a win over the Jets just in. It takes a hurricane for the Bills to be in first place. A win is a win. Now on to Carolina.
  19. Chandler#81, Gigs, be safe. Hope U and you're family, homes, cars.....will be fine! Please tell us what's going on as weather/circum- tances permitt. Same goes to all other Bills fans in the path of Irma. We with you all well/safe. Go Bills. Correction. We WISH you all will be well & safe.
  20. Your wife "gave you permission" to watch the game tonight?
  21. What kind of a preseason did he have? I assume he made the 53, third on the depth chart? Anything else anybody knows? Just wondering.
  22. Grew up in WNY, it's in my blood. I'll probably be watching them on my death bed.
  23. We're going to build a bully. He got caught up in the numbers game. He's deceptively fast.
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