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Everything posted by RevWarRifleman

  1. Outstanding! Thanks for posting that.
  2. There's a lot of knowledgeable people on this board. Been enjoying reading it since 2008 and joined in 2010. I've read posts consoling someone in grief, giving good, sound advice to those seeking it, people showing lots of compassion to others, and yes, lots of good Bills football insights, and got PLENTY of laughs with the sense of humor many have on this board. Cheers!
  3. This is easy. Cincy over Ravens. Runner up, Snow Bowl game.
  4. "The Four Falls Of Buffalo" documentary. It put all those "moments" in perspective.
  5. And they go and win the next 5 Super Bowls. The first SB win, no "wide right" as they defeat the Giiants. SB win #2, beat the Skins by 25 points. Wins 3 & 4? You guessed it, both over the Cowboys, each by 40+ points. Go Bills!
  6. There's so many of them in the 17 yr playoff drought. But, for me, here's a few of them. !. Not getting a true franchise qb during the 17yr drought. Example: in the early 2000's, wasn't Drew Breese still on the board when the Bills selected somebody else at another postition? 2. Speaking of that, in 2005, teams were running all over the Bills. So in the 2006 draft, round 1, they select d back Whitner when Gnata was right there for the taking! 3. Hiring jauron, a coach who had a loosing record, and nothing improved over his 3 1/2 year tenure. 4. Drafting Mayben. Was supposed to be our "answer" for the Bills lack of a pass rusher. What a joke. So there's my choice few.
  7. Thanks Ice Bowl. Glad to see the Pack draft defense early. What do you think of the WR you drafted?
  8. I think Bill, that there's some paranoia by many Bill's fans about the QB position due to the 18+ years of failure at the position.
  9. Good post. I enjoyed the history and remembering that year in Bills past. Thanks.
  10. LOL is right! Big city bias is what I call it. Are you talking about the White House??
  11. Great. Maybe He Hate Me still has a chance.
  12. Been praying for you Jim since I heard about this a few weeks ago. Will continue prayers and "one more river to cross," Jim.
  13. He should be on the Wall of Fame.
  14. Agree, and thus another chapter in the Bills 17 yr playoff drought. Too many of those draft-day bungles were ugly to watch.
  15. Thanks for the memories Tyrod. Yes, some of them were good, some not so good. Have a good life.
  16. Tiger J, Thanks for sharing and I wish you the best. I hope, God willing, you and Jim stay around for a long long time.
  17. My wife and I will be praying for him. "One more river to cross" Jim.
  18. Tony Hunter, tight end. The '83 draft I think, supposedly he had all kinds of "potential". He scheduled his wedding during training camp, never showed much of anything, and was cut. Another wasted draft. The capper, he was selected before Kelly.
  19. I predict I'll be repairing & improving my reenactment gear rather than watching yet another Super Bowl with the Patriots in it!!! Might as well be spending my time enjoying something.
  20. Process, have I ever been less excited? Yes. A few years ago with Seattle & NE. I hate both teams.
  21. When was the last time? 1989.
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