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Direhard Fan

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Everything posted by Direhard Fan

  1. It needs to be addressed. Narrower by 3 feet on each side sounds perfect. 5 feet higher for the cross bar also.
  2. Crushed like a paper doll sure stirred up a lot of people. Fun stuff here. Still say he will have an attitude problem. And if we had a good OL Spiller would get outside.
  3. Will be crushed like a paper doll in the NFL. Everybody is big and fast. He is little and fast. And I don't think the players will like his additude.
  4. I'm with Bills Fan 4 ever. " Crying like a baby ". I love it. Brady 9 times on his back . Hope the Refs let tham play. Play offs are so much better with out the Refs calling every little thing.
  5. It's a shame. Did you listen to the inteview after the FL. State game? These people live among us and go on to birth more.. A real shame. Colleges should be ashamed.
  6. Marronie baloney should address this problem and give us, the fans a true answer on how the Bills are going to address this problem. We saw time after time the errors made and no improvement during the season. Please help us.
  7. JaxBills Witches do exist . Have a lot of Wicke's out side of Pittsfield MA and haven't you every heard of "The Good Witch". Gotta believe We need a good Witch.
  8. " A Few "--- Less than 9 but more than 10. I've been on this board for three years with 300 plus comments and still a rookie. Tears in my eyes every week since 1960 minus a few years in the 90's. Best I can do.
  9. I always liked Fitz. Took his guys out to lunch every week win or loose. Took a beating and kept on ticking. Made a ton of money. What isn't there to like. He is a good backup any place but in Buffalo thank you. We have Thad. I always liked Thad. etc. etc.
  10. Oh me Oh my What a few loses will do to stir up the masses. Morrone is a 1%er so lets fire the whole bunch and start over fresh for 2014. Sounds like the same plan we used for the last 14 years. We wouldn't have any comments at all if we were winning. What fun is that??
  11. The first time a DE picks up Manzeil and slams him to the ground he will be done. He will never be able to take the hits and they will hit him. His attitude will not help any team. We have lots of needs and to waste a pick on him is not smart. Time to move past this conversation.
  12. The talk is fun but the real sad part about it is we loose 1/8 of our home games. That is really BIG. We all know that. It was a nice try but didn't work. 5 year contract or not. Our fans deserve 8 home games. Do what every has to be done to bail out of that contract. It is that simple.
  13. I can remember many kick off returns where we stopped them inside the 20. We tend to only remember the poor times and not the good plays. I would like to see the stats on kick off returns and yardage per return. I think we are looking for a goat and Crossman is it. We had almost no experience on ST this year. We say Easley but this was his 1st year on the active roster all year. What ever!
  14. I agree with Kirby. In the heat a battle he failed. You can not justify that if you want to be a super bowl team. That's what we want to build to. If he played for N.E. he would be on the bench. The same with Stevie. Dropped passes when needed. Don't want to hear it. You know what they get paid. His drop in the Pitts. game last year still makes me sick. Trade both. There are hungry players out there that want jobs.
  15. Marrone 90%. This guy has the NFL experience. He will make the right adjustments with the attitude players. I believe "What a difference a year makes" will come true. None of this team had a full year to plan and evaluate. I really believe he will show his full ability this coming year. Manuel-- not so much. Talks a good story. We will see. Thad is no dummy. He might be one that flew under the radar.
  16. He is definately a play maker. If he really wants to be a Bill pay him. If he has a bitter taste in his mouth move on.
  17. Pats rant will only make it worse for them. Refs don't like that and don't forget. GOOD!
  18. I would have liked to see Lewis start this game. He showed toughness and control. EJ was scared. Hate to say it but when you throw for 6 when you need 8 and throw for 4 when you need 6 something is wrong. Really wrong. That is not Hackett. Routes are run wrong. No roll outs when the preasure was there all day. What is wrong. The whole O is messed up. Lewis ran a better ship. I actually hoped Lewis would have started the second half. He seemed to have it togeather.
  19. The entire team tanked yesterday. Stevie gets hurt every game as of late. EJ was terrible. CJ was terrible. Goodwin was terrible. It is getting a little old hearing the Coach tell us the same story every week. We are not a good team and will need two or more drafts to get a fix. Than we will have a new staff and start all over. Who wants to play for a poor team? So you loose your free agents. It's just a circle. Spend some money and get a few free agents. This is getting worse.
  20. It was the children part that got me. I like canadians. Really nice as a whole and we seem to treat them as different. Love there beer. Heh I'm still a rookie after three years and three hundred comments . So what do I know. Enjoy!
  21. What we need is a good Gypsie. Hope we get one before sunday. They remove curses you know.
  22. The poor guy just asked and everyone gets nasty. Be happy someone attends.
  23. I would think with the ribs Thad has that he would be useless after one hit. So Tuel should know up front he will start and be better prepared.. Tell him now. Thad can start against Pitt and the Jets and get two wins. Sounds like a plan.
  24. The first two hits Thad took shook my teeth. And that was on TV. He should get two days off. One tough guy.
  25. If you want to stay around as a QB in this league you have to throw the ball first and foremost. Run when in trouble and learn how to slide. Results are poor for your health when you become a runner. Manual was trying to be a runner. Won't work.
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