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Direhard Fan

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Everything posted by Direhard Fan

  1. Breaking News The Cleveland Browns just hired all the Jill's. First our "D" coach and now this. What is the world coming to. Not fair.
  2. A ton showed up to try out. Many were return women. Five rejects ruined it for 35 other girls who made the team. I like the cheerleaders. The lawyers are the only ones who make out. Don't they know that? All blondes I bet. Hope they are happy now. The last settlement the lawyers got 2.5 mil out of 3 mil. The others got hats and shirts. Never learn.
  3. On any given Sunday-- as the saying goes. We have to prove we can win to have the respect you all want. Until we do that all the comments mean nothing. All these comments say this team and that team are better than us. Lose a QB and see how good they are. It's a long season and a long way off. Can't wait.
  4. Kelly gets hurt. Greatest comeback in NFL history next. Kelly starts Super Bowl and we loose. It happens. Injurys are part of the game. Why do you all put the burden on the poor rookie. He got hurt. Get over it.
  5. The more reps the better. Especially the line. It's not about points. It's about being consistant under fire. Better conditioning. Seperate the men from the boys. Have at it. You either love to play or you don't.
  6. I'm 68. Born in Buffalo. Moved when I was 18. Went to alot of games thru the years. Live to far and too old to attend now. Sunday NFL ticket for ever because of the Bills. Had tears in my eyes when Ralph passed because of the possible loss of our Bills. I'd throw 4K into a pot right now to keep them in Buffalo. I really bet a lot more like me would too. Well worth looking into.
  7. How can anyone want a thug for that kind of money. Lets get serious. Not the kind of guy you bring home to Mom. Even if he was cheap I would not take him. Unless 35,000 Crips move to Buffalo and buy season tickets he is not our kind of guy.
  8. I understand all the legal beagals speaking here. I believe we have forgotten that the NFL, Mr. GOD ell and the owners have the final say. That is going to have a major bearing on the sale. Lets let the dust settle. Ralph isn't even cold in the ground yet. There are lots of players out there. Not just the locals and Bon Jovie.
  9. Glad the Bird flew. He did not want to be with us. Good bye and don't let the door hit you on the way out. End of story. Time to move on. We did fine in FA. I think Waley is looking ahead and planning on keeping the players that want to be here next year and after. He has impressed. Time will tell.
  10. Our commiss will not even discuss this topic. He has his esteem problems in Ind. What to do with an owner. Drugs and DWI are an illness. I'm sure he will not be treated the same as a player.. Hold up the carpet and I'll go get the broom. Sad
  11. I'll be happy when he signs. Not done till it's done. I don't think any other FA will sign today. Moats would be a good sign and Carrington. Don't think we need Scott C. Sorry but I can't help but remember him in the Atl. game. Lots of TE in the draft I would like to see.
  12. If every team stuck togeather and told Mr. Parker to have a nice day we would all be better off. I think we will see the players feeling that way also down the road. He is not a nice man. Carrington can be a good special team player also. We need that.
  13. OK So we agree to keep him. Yes we made the right choice. TJ? He might not make it out of camp. Wouldn't be surprised if we draft 2 WR or 1 Free Agent and draft 1.
  14. Only watch Fox and than the AFC. Actual missed the Guys during the play offs when they were on late. They keep the show moving and seem to truly enjoy each other.
  15. I like the guy. He did a better job on the side line. He has a great additude and relates to his guys well. He needs a full squad before you can rate him. Give him a better O line and he will improve on the learning curve. Maroneeee gave him too much on his plate LY.
  16. And don't forget Martins agent wants him to collect the rest of his 1 million signing bonus so he needs a reason why the poor boy had to leave. It's all about the money. Martin is done. RI maybe not so much.
  17. Changed my mind. Changed my vote after hearing the texts as of late. He is a problem CHILD in a mans body. Don't need problems like him.
  18. Just signed his card on Buffalo Bills .com Nice touch. Been to many games with him. Don't forget the "Greatest Comeback". So pleased he made it. Can't wait for the introduction night. I wonder who will present him. Kelly??
  19. Best hire possible. More NFL experience is great. We were a little short on that LY. Give us another year or two and we will be a force. Sign the Bird. Need that.
  20. Denver 31 - Sett. 13. Marshawn is a thug. Another pending DWI. All his problems in Buffalo. 18 million Gur. contract. Unbelievable how we pay these guys. Wilson's first time to the show and he will melt. Manning will excell. And you can't take that to the bank. What do I know.
  21. Do we not put too much into coaches? Kyle Williams is going to do something different on the line with a new line coach?? Mario is going to rush harder with a new coach? Not an issue. Lets let the new team get there feet on the ground and not second guess them. It's football. A game. The players do the work. The coaches suggest and than call the plays. The players make the plays. Can't wait for Sept. 2014.
  22. Why would any team keep a person who didn't want to be with that team. Not a productive thing. Say good bye. Don't expect anything for them. They must think they will be better off. Like Marrone said. We want people who want to be in Buffalo. Good additude.
  23. Pettine would have stayed if Cleveland fell thru. Been gone next year. We will be fine with Swartze or how you spell it. He will bring some of his own people in and have a good team. Just listened to him on WGR interview. Smart guy and knows the ropes. Has a history with Marrone with respect. Good hire.
  24. Good move Marrone. Hired experiece in the NFL. Both new coachs have been around the NFL. They certainly were prepared for this move when the Browns came calling. That in it's self shows we did something right. Give credit when deserved.
  25. Had the pleasure of sitting next to Chris Collensworth on the plane from Cinn. To Houston for the 2004 Super Bowl. Class act guy. Talked to me like a neighbor the entire flight. Thats the year we hired Mulackey. Chris said he would be a great coach because he knew him from college and his pro days. Didn't work out for us but he still can be a star in the NFL.
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