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Direhard Fan

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Everything posted by Direhard Fan

  1. Why would you trade a home run hitter that can go all the way on any given play? He is younge and healthy. Use him properly Mr. Hackett. Please.
  2. I think he will do really well in SF. EJ could never adjust to a receiver that went here and there but always ended up in the right spot when called on. It's not EJ. Don't think he could ever handle that.
  3. Fred will be a great part of the "O" as a reciever and run. He just wants to save it for the real games. These pratices are puff compared to the real games. Lines hit hard and the 2nd and 3rd string guys want to impress. First string guys sit. Its practice. No TV time outs and Bud light moments.
  4. How much money can one person or family want? I hope greed doesn't play a part in this. The family has money to begin with. Really? What is another Billion. GETT ER DONE. Please? So we can enjoy the season. I have a feeling we are going to need something to cheer about.
  5. I believe the NFL owes us an explanation on Rice and Nigels punishment. Why hasn't the union gotten more involved? Something is very wrong here. You lift up the carpet and I'll go get the broom.
  6. I can't believe I read the whole thing. Sure wish we knew for sure. Hope Mrs Wilson knows how much we care.
  7. And we all know now there were only three bids received. Surprise yes? Not good.
  8. I hope Smith has something to say about this in a week after his suspention is over. A year late and a day behind. Does Good dell know what he is doing to his rep.? Ray gets two games, Smith a week and LY weed one game. I smell fish.
  9. Smart move and a good jesture that we think about OUR players as people and not pegs in a puzzel. C J is next. No agent and he can keep the agent fee for him self. Fair money for a great back. He has said he wants to stay in Buffalo. Sign him now. Why to go Fred.
  10. I truely believe we will not miss him at all. He was a Drama Queen and a big distraction to the team. I want to say Greed had something to do with it. Really don't Lynch either. Another Drama Queen- and his mother said once we got to know him we would love him. NOT
  11. Very good question and article in the Sun. Thanks
  12. Shame his wife hasn't given us insight on what the plan is if there is one. She has always been a big contributor to the Buffalo area. Strange she hasn't spoken up.
  13. And when do we post serious info on real bids?? 5 pages of garbage.
  14. Marcell will be late for practice because he didn't get the message it was starting at 2pm. No court for tonight so he slept in.
  15. Vincent is an expert in finance. He has his own company. The NFL hired him to help the players. Can't make them thou. He should have been the new commissioner. Ex Bill's and NE player. Smart guy.
  16. Shame people think they can tell someone else what to do. With all the gambling money they should buy the team and name it what they want. Most reservations are dirt poor. And they worry about a name?
  17. The lawyers get 500,000. Why am I not suprised. Did the guy that started this ever think they would get that much? What was he thinking? Wasn't. Must never have done business with the fine group of profesionals before. Sad
  18. I did a lot of stupid things when I was his age. Got caught for some and not so much for a bunch of other stuff. 43 years ago and I grew up fine. Give the guy a break. Many of you are way too hard on him. Money doesn't matter. Job doesn't matter. Having fun and one day the light goes on. Hope it's now for him.
  19. Hate to be negative-- BUT! I was on the "Responsible Dome Action Committee" back in the late 60's. Had more than enough signatures to build. Free land and near the airport. Politics screwed that up. Dems against-- Republicans for and the mayor voted it down. Yup he was a Dem. It all will come down to politics. What a shame.
  20. Good topic but I think we are forgetting that we had a good core team last year and new managers. This will be a new team with a few new guys. I think we are seasoned and will surprise a large number of people. We have added speed, weight and good heads[ Henderson maybe not so much]. Smart guys as a whole. I expect great things this year.
  21. Give him a shave and a hair cut-- feed him and off to the weight room. He will be fine. Your in the pros now.
  22. Hey! These later picks are just wanta be's. See who makes the team and than tell Mr. W he is great. It's great to make changes but consistantsy in line play is what it's all about. And he better not mess with Spiller.
  23. Ray Lewis?? He killed people and is on Net Work TV as a blow hard. Don't include him in the mix . MD has to stand up and be a man. 25 and all you people feel sorry for him. I feel sorry for all you.
  24. They better not move back or I'll be in bed. They better not move up or I'll throw up. We are in a great position at 9. Take the best player on the board period.
  25. Still all speculation. Didn't read anything really new. When Mrs' Wilson makes a official statementl I'll believe it.
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