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Direhard Fan

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Everything posted by Direhard Fan

  1. I have no idea why I think Rex has learned but I do. Brother hired, and the purge of Williams have given me new hope. We need team play and one bad apple hurts a lot. Rob will bring a new feeling in the locker room. We will have a new core of LB's and we needed an addatude adjustment. Add is what we did. Rob! I think he will bring a lot to the table. Can't wait to see as I have been waiting since 1965.
  2. We are talking football here. Not mister nice guys. Can he coach? Yes. Really good? Yes. All you perfect people love "Shady". Ha There is a real upstanding guy. Get off your platform and hope for good things for our Bill's. Everybody thought Richie was a dirty player. Now because he is ours we love him.
  3. He kicked very well two years ago. Why so many down on a kicker that had an injury most of the year and never complained about it.
  4. Goodie-dell is present. He is still counting his bonus. That is an awful lot of cash to count. He should be done by draft day so he can get booed again. He knows we love him.
  5. GREAT! Well worth the $$. I believe he can play three more years. He had two years off and stayed in excellent shape. A gym rat and takes care of himself. The left side is secure. Very important. Another good job by our admin.
  6. He is worth it. Never saw Mario work as hard as he does. Hope Monday brings good news. Miller is correct. Need the same guys on the line to become great. Good luck Richie.
  7. Me think we are getting too political here. We are talking football. Sure can tell when things get slow during the season. I want to know if they signed Richie yet. Thats important. Makes me laugh you guys. The only gay on our team is Gay and he just got married. Borned with the name and he made out fine. Not a bad kicker either.
  8. Jury of his peers. He walks. Simple- just like his peers. Sorry to say but that's the way it works. A good lawyer will do that for you. Just ask OJ.
  9. Just to clarify- He represented Bugsy Siegle Wasn't the ratio 4 Shady guys to 3 upstanding law inforcement officers. When on the ground, don't you curl and roll while covering your head and hide under the table or desk- whatever. Just wondering.
  10. Why did we sign him in the first place if his rep was so bad. I thought the Pequelas [spelled bad] were above this. Just his not tipping the poor girl in Phil. is a great example of him being dirt. He should end up like Rice- on the outside looking in for the duration.
  11. I thought this thread was on different fans?? I worked in MA. for 44 years after moving from Buffalo. The NE fans are very hard to swollow. They beat me up and laughed at you all the time. NYY vs Sox. Bill's vs NE. They really believe they walk on water. They are truly nasty people. I really don't like them and I am a really nice person. And that is how it will always be. And should be. I am a real fan.
  12. The way I heard it, batteries were being thrown during the fight and that means Shady and the gang were in danger. Thus they looked for a boat to escape and found one. Used the champagne bottle to get the exit from the club started on the boat. Last time I remember being from Buffalo- fight- it ends- and everybody leaves. End of story. Sure some broken bones and stuff but "Suck It Up". Just my take on the whole thing. A bunch of babys.
  13. Still think he should be traded. He is pimple waiting to burst. His history speaks for itself and he has no one to blame but himself. Reminds me of Lynch. Above the law.
  14. When he disrespected the waitress by leaving no tip I think he showed his real colors. Why the Bill's want a guy like that is beyond me. I would rather loose than win with with dead beats like that. Real men do not get into bar fights.
  15. qwksiler Who are you to judge someones character? Shame on you! One of the true team players this year and will continue to be one.
  16. I like these interviews as well. He presented himself well and really seemed like he was being a team guy. He could be a really good captain if he stays away from those horrid 15 yard dumb plays. Kyle and him could really keep the "D" on an even keel. I like the guy.
  17. First year starter with really no prep in the pre season. This year he has plans to practice with our receivers during the off season and has all the camps to get everything down pat. He can be our guy for sure. I really like his additude and toughness on the field and off the field. All the players like that too. Can't wait for next year. Oh wait- we need a defense. Forgot!
  18. Kind of makes me laugh when a comment about the smartness of our players comes into play. I must have heard 1000 times how smart this guy is and that guy is. It's on Rex and nobody else period.
  19. Gives football a bad name. Rich little boy didn't get his way and now must pay the piper. Not even sad.
  20. Jerry has always been like that . We all disrespect him. The other thing I've noticed is not many on this board like Rex. Maybe they should take each other out to lunch once a week. Who hired Rex anyway? We have said "Next Year" to many times so I think we have regrets about Rex after last year and so it should be.
  21. We have got to root for Denver. Our AFC team. But I think Carolina will win by 15. That said, Cam loves the game and brings that every week. Listen to him talk. He is not cocky- he is happy. I think he brings a lot to the game.
  22. I agree with the NO'S. He is too fragile and even considered retirement last year. Bad additude. New blood in the draft.
  23. I really don't care what gender works for the team. Does the employee make it better? If the answer is yes than great. My experience in retail and sales for 40 years showed me that women only got a chance to lead after about 30 of those. But they taught me everything I knew. There a lot of smart cookies out there. Some even have nice feet I guess. We had a terrible Special Team this year compared to other years. That has to fall on someone. She can only help the situation.
  24. He is gone. Move on.I hope he never gets a NFL job above line coach. Sleeze taking four mil and bailing on us. Landshark Beer?? I bet he never bought a player a beer. Sleeze!
  25. It will take Reed two years to learn the "D". What good is that?
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