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Direhard Fan

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Everything posted by Direhard Fan

  1. 71 as of yesterday and been since the beginning. Charging for sure. We need to be aggressive. Go Bill's
  2. Not when they sign a contract. What does a contract mean if they can change it because they didn't know about long term health? You are kidding me. They are not kids.
  3. These guys sign a contract and than get all high and mighty when they excel. Sickening. They talk about millions like they really deserve it. Work your whole contract and than work out a new deal. Hold out my butt. Do they really have a brain or is the agent it.
  4. Carpenter is our kicker and a good one. Injury LY hurt him a lot. I don't expect missed extra points this year. A mental thing. To waste a one or two on a kicker is not wise. A good "O" team doesn't make a kicker do 50-55 yard kicks a lot. A good coach doesn't either. Build a great "D" and we will be in heaven. Please.
  5. Can Sammy stay uninjured for 8 games or more? If he makes it thru half a season we will be lucky. Sure wish he was healthy for the year.
  6. I would hope he knows what side of the bread the butter is on. Mum is the word. Play ball.
  7. I find it funny we even discuss this. Who ever believed the Media anyway??
  8. And all of you think the team told us the truth and nothing but the truth. Didn't happen and will not happen. Sad but true.
  9. Sad but true. Terry and Kim have more problems than we know. Somebody is not being honest here. Who may that be?
  10. Amazed that you all believe what the team is feeding to the news media. They are a mini government. They tell you what they want you to know which isn't much.
  11. Never liked Clay or Kipper. Really take both with a grain of salt. Really nice killer Ray is gone. Had to stick that in.
  12. All these guys are wait and see. Can't get to excited over any pick until they prove themselves. I have gotten so high on the Bills in the past and been let down. Hope for the best and wait and see. Be interesting to hear what the "Experts" have to say about our draft.
  13. JohnC we will miss you. Hear you in week five. Brady made out like a bandit that he is with the new contract. That's sad. Like he needs the money. His rep is in the sewer and he deserves it. We seem to forget that NE is a very good football team. Don't count those first four weeks in the books yet. Bellacheat knows.
  14. Lines win super bowls. Denver won and Manning was terrible. Draft lines and worry about the qb later. TT will be fine for years to come. "And you can take that to the bank."
  15. Just seems odd that we talk all the time about how smart this guy is and that guy is, but can't understand a "D" because it's too hard to learn. After all the time they have to learn it? Odd. Guess N.E. dunbed down their game a long time ago. If they can't understand the play book they should hire a tutor with the big bucks they make.
  16. The Plumber did it. Draft the BEST plumber on the board. That's the Waley way and I'm sticking to it.
  17. Nothing justifies shooting someone in the back four times and the side two times and than his wife twice. A man just doesn't do that. His lawyer that got him off before should be disbarred. These defense lawyers of these thugs should be ashamed. How they sleep at night I will never know. The CO's will take care of him this time.
  18. Not in favor of a prima donna not attending camps and than appear on the scene in June. He is injury prone and will not add to the receiving core in a positive way. Good bye Percy and have a nice day.
  19. Boy. Here we are beating up on each other. We all know it depends on how the next season goes. Why his agent is so intent on a new deal now who knows. If he had confidence in his guy he would wait and get bigger bucks. Don't like this agent. Draft is coming and we can all change the subject lines. Glad!
  20. I was impressed with the DA. He should be on "Dancing with the Stars". He can dance and prance around just about anything. The cops were protected well. Bet their boss is not to happy with them.
  21. Didn't we get rid of Lynch a few years ago? Thought he would retire this year. Stay put is my vote. Take the best on the board. No deals.
  22. E J knows the system. He can step in and win. Run-Run-Run. Just don't let him throw down field. Maybe a screen pass. It's all in the calls. Sad but true.
  23. Pay the man?? We were 8 and 8 last year. No play offs again. Hurt for how many games. Out two. What does he have in his history that deserves 18 mil a year? Running QB's get hurt. I believe the proper thing to do is wait. If he produces than he gets rewarded. Until than he signed a contract and was happy than. He should be happy now.
  24. Am I the only one who thinks Rex has stepped back on being so cocky? He seems more on the humble side than last year. Maybe he needs his brother to bring him back down to earth. We are stuck with him for another year so I hope for the best. We need to find a way to win 12 games this year. Yes 12. Go get em TT.
  25. Agree with Judman- need to have a view and downtown is not the answer. No talegating?? It is one of our big events of the day. Muti-use is a must. Need to pay for it. That means dome. I'm from the rock pile area and when I was young it didn't bother me but now I want comfort during the game. The quality of play is much better inside. Sure tickets prices are higher but so is a beer. No reason we can't find a place that makes every one happy. Don't forget the tailgating.
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