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Direhard Fan

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Everything posted by Direhard Fan

  1. LaBillsFan I am with you 100%. Play ball and not bull politics. I love football. All these protest etc. have a place and time and that is not in our football staduim or on our TV during our football games. The Media has blown this up and should stop. Shame on them. Where is Goodell when you need him. Tell the networks to stop.
  2. I can't help but see the names of the players we got rid of showing up in every game I watch. Philly last night was cruel. Who makes those calls has done terrible. Dareus screwed us. Rex is a shame. We need Kim to run the team. Could not do worse. Those who say 2 games will try and hold up the front. Me too. I'm wrong in doing it. Sad we have to endure another year of Rex. Who runs the "D"? All I ever see is his un kept brother on the side line. Where is Thurman? Roman gone does nothing. The ship has sailed and it is sinking again.
  3. The run game has not been there. The amount of plays run have not allowed him to get in a grove. The "D" has to give him more time on the field. He will be fine. 100m Deruis really screwed us. I don't care how good he is. It all comes down to it's a team effort and we are hurting as a team. Not just TT.
  4. Do we still have Goodwin and Wood on the team? Neith showed up last week. Should be interesting. TT will have a chip because he just got the big buck and was terrible so I think he will shine. Hope so Bill's 24-14.
  5. Why do I just feel terrible about this team and this game? It seems like a long year and we are only in to the second game. Bill's 17 and the Jesters 16. Oh I hope. If not we start 1 and 5.
  6. Rob? He will be someones head coach next year. Buffalo is just a stepping stone for great coachs.
  7. Not a problem. Woods can take over. Did you see the great catches he made Sunday? Neither did I. Hogan looked good.
  8. Seems like we are going in the youth direction which I believe is a nice one. We have plenty of vets to lead. Sounds like a plan to me. 10 and 6 this year. We just might surprise Balt. this week.
  9. He gets cut next week and end of discussion. So be it. Wanted attention and got it. Just like my dog when it's time to play every day. Except my dog appriciates it.
  10. The NFL is a business and will do nothing to this idiot for disrespecting his country. What a shame it has come to this in our great nation. What has he ever done to help his country? This ethnic stuff is bull. Tell him to get a life and find another job in another country.
  11. I got my bill on line yesterday. Called and asked for retention. Only would talk to retention Sad but true, retired, fixed income etc. with tears in my eyes. Love the Bills. They stated they could only give me 20% off Sunday Ticket. Two years I got it free. Said only once can they do that. I was very upset but nice. Said they could do better. New receiver with five program record feature coming Tuesday but three dollars more and than said they would knock $50.00 a month off for the next two years period. All in all my yearly bill will be $600.00 less period. Sweet! Can't beat that with a stick and I get the new receiver. Pays to be nice.
  12. What a stupid idea. Picks are to grow with numbers. Not reduce future talent. Doug has a plan. Fear not.
  13. Four kids and no job. Not a good thing for sure. And than you mention not to bright. Imagine that.
  14. It does't start tomorrow. That's what Johnny M said and see how that turned out. He hasn't learned his leason and is set to get burned big time. His agant and maybe the team said go to rehab and the heat will be off. You can see how serious he is about it all. I believe he is a lost cause. Sorry to say. Sad really.
  15. I really can't believe this guy at all. I watched his press conference and he was a poor excuse of a guy who regretted what he was suspended for. All the team has done for him and he screws up again. He is a problem child in a mans clothing. Sorry- don't think is the last time he will be in trouble.
  16. I'm with Chan with Little six. And we have all our running backs with good hands. Like Bush a lot back there.
  17. I like it. Maybe a New Era will bring us a Super Bowl win.
  18. It's the players and they bring this on them selves. They deserve more than just four games etc. They deserve to be banned and than see if the bright guys, who are getting all this money due drugs and beat up women. Yea they will and good buy to them. They get just what they deserve. Nothing.
  19. I don't care how good these players are. When is the team going to set an example and just fire them . Yea need help and all that. Bull! After all the team did for this punk he is paying us back.
  20. Big improvement Dez Lewis. P. Brown and R. Bush will be great. Carpenter will be back big time. Busts Clay again Ly poor Robey and I like him and K Williams.
  21. How did this go from DWI to Uber?? Wow! In this day and age DUI-DWI has changed a lot. The truth be told that now a couple beers can get you in trouble. Years ago it was a couple of pitchers. The witch hunt has been on for a couple years. Lets be honest now. We all have had one to many and drove. I'm saying that and am 71.
  22. when did they start a 22 game season??
  23. I like the option of taking 15 yards and a few late hits that hurt a lot. I don't mean anything dirty like a knee. Just hard hits around them to make him worry. Sounds like a plan. Whats aother 15 yards. The cheater deserves it.
  24. The way I see it is ban all drugs and drinks for a 50 mile radius on game day. Problem solved. Police are our friends. Way do you want to keep them out of the areas we enjoy? I feel a lot safer with them around. Do you know how many plan clothes police are around the Ralph? You would be shocked. They really are there to protect us and not harass us. Live with it and love it.
  25. I agree with Koolaid. A contract is a contract. What ever happened to integraty? These guys sign a contract and than want more a couple of years later. They know what they are getting into when they enter the NFL. Most have signing bonuses. Only in America could you get a job like that for millions. Let them cry.
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