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Direhard Fan

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Everything posted by Direhard Fan

  1. Didn't we have tons of good receivers in camp and it was going to tough to let some go? Can't believe Harvin didn't have a clue on some plays where to go. Did they not give him a play book?
  2. And dareus , with no caps, says we don't love him. Gets the big bucks and laughs at us.. Really getting old that we feel for this person taking advantage of our team. When will Management take a stand and exit him? I really don't care how good he is. One game out of nine? Really, how does he help us? Time to say good by and take your burdens some place else.
  3. He sat on the bench for four years in Balt. LY no time with receivers thu camp. This year all the guys he practiced with are hurt. Timing is everything. Seems like we should give him a break. A year and a half under his belt is nothing.
  4. Maybe if he got a haircut ? Just saying. Slows you down. Really!
  5. I sure am in the minority. I like TT. Yesterday he was working with receivers that were not on the "A" squad from day one. Wood was not even 50%. Throw long? To who? No running back. Gellsie had his bell rung in the first quarter. Our great tight end Clay did What again? Get dinged. How can you blame TT. And Gilmore blames Meeks and crys like a baby. How many times did he get beat. TT got tackled ten yards out of bounds and no flag. He was dinged. It was a rough day. I expect better times ahead.
  6. We will finish better than 8 and 8. Our injuries have been to top players and with the exception of Shady they have been filled OK. Marcel has let us down big time. None of this is a Rex problem. Since our OC was replaced we have been better. TT is a second year starter. Give him a break. He is exciting and gives us a lot to cheer for. Lot better than other years. We are in a good situation and need to be behind our team. Remember in the summer when we had a ton of receivers and we said who will go? Now the best are on IR or in a boot. I like our coaches a lot. Go Bills.
  7. Have our sick guys cough on him before the game and hope for the best. I think we will hold our own. 24-21 Bill's. I'm 71 and still have those dreams. The good ones. Hope for the best and expect the---- Best!
  8. Figure for him to re injure Thursday. Out another two weeks. Sand bag for most of the games and be out on the street eating in January saying we don't love him. Just saying.
  9. He cryed we didn't love him. Got the big bucks and is laughing all the way to the bank. Than he stands there this year and says actions speak louder than words. And doesn't play for the next how many games while collecting our money. His actions are terrible and there needs to be a contract adjustment. Like he gives his pay check to charity. Sleeze number one. Won't happen.. I hope the team players address this with him in the locker room. Sounds like a Mario Williams the second. And they bred.
  10. Skinney ankles? Now I know the reason I never was a receiver. Please. Ever watch Shady carrie the ball? Thats why he fumbles every other carry? Please. Love this site. So much to learn and not much time left to learn it.
  11. Remember when Daraus said he didn't feel wanted when he wanted big bucks? I think he might be laughing at us now. He should give every dime back for every game missed to the flood victims for not being in great shape apon his return after hurting the team for the first four weeks. Action speaks he says. Show us.
  12. Bills 31--- SF 9 and you can take that to the bank. Can't wait.
  13. I'm one of the "peeps". No place for it in football on the field. Getting paid to play- not protest or get personal about your believes. Don't really care. Play football. Start who ever. Our fans will be really high for this one.
  14. Cool, calm and collected and not make mistakes. Nothing wrong with that drive. I think Lynn was running the show and he called the time outs. Rex seems to be letting the OC and DC run their own programs more and keeping his imput to a minium during the game. I'm sure his input is huge during the prep.
  15. Time to start thinking positive. This was a big "W". The players seem to think positive so we should too. To many negative comments on the board. Not that I don't sweat all these games until the very end. Fifty one years of the Bill's has taught me that. I still love them.
  16. Guess you guys didn't watch the first frames attachment.
  17. Me think the run is harder because the other teams are defending the run first to make TT throw and keeping him in the pocket. We seem to run more sweeps than normal and they havn't been that successful. OC will work that out as he seems to have a handle on the "O" more each week. Time will tell. Shady gets a little too much money if you ask me for what he produces. Work him harder. He seems to not pick the correct hole on the sweeps. Karlos was at five guys---twice! The same morning!
  18. Boy I hate 4:30 games. Bills 24-9.
  19. It appears he didn't return in top shape. Hammie today makes him a ?? for Sunday. I was not impressed with his press conference. I got the impression he just does not get it. Some times it's tough to cut bait and we can only hope Kim sees the light. I really think she will lead this team in the future.
  20. A little early for this. Who gets hurt? 3/4 of the season left. TT is only in his second year really and now a new OC. I like the guy. Amen
  21. I think I saw them both with the drum guys. Boy they sure are better than those women we had dancing on the sidelines.
  22. As Darius said or what ever the spelling-- I want to play the best. He wanted Brady. Guess he knew he would get suspended for four games. Real team player that guy. So both are out and next man up as they say. Enough of the talk== play ball!
  23. Bill will have a plan. Just like last night. Running game will have all kinds of options and we will beg for mercy at half time. The glass is half empty.
  24. Nope Not going to happen. We will have Rex to pick on next season also. Owner is looking for consistant team coaching. He will be gone after next year. Five year contract. He is no dummy. What a deal we got.
  25. Cards 63--- Bills 3. Rex is hated and the team sinks him. Kim takes over and we go 12 and 1. And you can take that to the bank.
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