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Everything posted by Dorkington

  1. I like that Gilmore got a couple INTs, but he's also regularly giving up large gains. Not worth the max contract he'll be demanding, especially since the rest of our team sucks also.
  2. Most pathetic goal line series ever.
  3. Start watching when the game is 7-0 Bills.... Bengals march right down the field while missing their best player, endless flags on the Bills, and give up a TD. Sorry guys, I'm apparently bad luck.
  4. That is a worry, but is it anymore of a worry than someone else who has had injury concerns over the years? Up until this year, Marcel has played 15 or more games a year. By comparison, Kyle Williams has had two seasons in that same timeframe where he only played 5 and 6 games. Players sometimes miss time, either due to their own mistakes, or chance, it's part of humans being human. I'm not in a rush to move on from him anytime soon because he's extremely talented, his contract would make that pretty difficult, and up until this season he has been a dependable and healthy player. He got himself suspended, he sought out some help, and tweaked a hamstring coming back into football shape (which, lets face it, is exceedingly common, we see that every pre-season). I'm as sick as anyone else of the Bills being mediocre every year, but Dareus is not to blame for the last 16 years of failure. Has he had a negative impact this year? Probably. Would we have a better record with him? Maybe a game or two... *maybe*. Would we make the playoffs? Unlikely, as we have too many holes and other issues on this team still.
  5. Not that I think Trump is the next Hitler, myself. But I can see the argument, because it's not like Hitler started right in with genocide, he moved himself up the power chain with xenophobic populist rhetoric. It's pretty easy to see Trump's campaign and some of his current staff, and make comparison's to Hitler's start. Personally, I don't believe we as a country, would let it get that bad, no matter how much hatred he or his staff may have for certain cultures/races, so I don't see him getting anywhere near Hitler level. At least that's my hope. I also don't see anything wrong with disagreeing or protesting things he's said, policy ideas he's communicated, or staff selections he's putting in place. There is still a right to free speech in this country, last I checked.
  6. The way I see it... this is a Dareus version of a season debilitating injury. If he, I don't know, tore his hamstring early in camp and had to sit out 9 weeks, for it, we wouldn't be as upset. He !@#$ed up judgment wise, and tweaked some things coming back into football shape, in the end, its missed time just like a major injury, it happens, life moves on. If he does this every season, I'd be concerned, but frankly he's been on the field and productive more than he's been off the field, so I'm fine. Disappointed, but fine.
  7. 1) Need a better QB 2) Need better DBs 3) Need better coaching 4) Need healthier WRs
  8. I couldn't care less if I take a taxi or uber or whatever, in DC it's roughly the same price... the big thing for me is, I can pull up an app and get a ride with Uber, no problem. Whereas a taxi, I've called before, and they don't arrive... and then its a crap shoot depending on where you are to wave one down. Apparently the taxi companies have a similar Uber like app now, but I feel like its too late.
  9. Thanks for posting this, so I didn't have to tear the OP's article apart. Frankly, I'm surprised Tasker posted this, he's usually more logical and analytical, even if I don't agree with him politically.
  10. a) Cards were overrated when the season began b) Because the Pats were pulling off victories with (healthy) backup QBs. But we already knew that.
  11. Story coming out of WSJ today is that Trump didn't realize the duties of the POTUS until his meeting with Obama, and that Obama will be more hands on than past Presidents have been during the transition. Also Trump's team didn't realize they'd have to be hiring all new White House staff. How did we get here?
  12. I don't know about anyone else, but I'm not saying they don't count. Rather, the teams we have beaten we *should* beat. Yes they count. But the fact is, we haven't beaten anyone other than pretty flawed/weak teams so far, and that's the mark of a mediocre team, imo. Once we beat middle of the road and/or good teams, I'll have more optimism about the Bills, if that makes sense.
  13. I agree with the OP... I don't think this team is as good as some of the metrics told us during our streak, and I see us ending with a losing record. I kinda predicted 7-9 at the beginning of the year... injuries, missing players, and a tougher schedule will do that. We need an influx of talent, both on and off the field, which is difficult to do when we hover around .500 every year, and play in Buffalo.
  14. I liked both QBs quite a bit. Johnson seemed to have all the right tools, but couldn't produce wins. Flutie, the ultimate underdog, not great on paper, but seemed to have magic that simply produced. Living in San Diego at the time, I had a hard time getting news myself, but when games were on, I enjoyed them quite a bit. I try not to talk about the 'miracle'.
  15. The public wouldn't ever accept it, but I think its very possible they had/have an open marriage. There's a lot of polyamorous people out there (including myself, actually) that don't really talk about it, because it's not socially acceptable. It's kinda like how every POTUS has to act like they are super religious in order to get elected, even if they are obviously not (Obama/Trump, heh).
  16. I still think we need to have a barebones public option for all people, to at the very least fill the gaps, and hopefully cut down on people not getting treatment for things until its too late (and too expensive). Private insurance for those that want fancier services. (yes, I know the above is a simplification, and easier said than done) As much as I like a couple of the regulations/expansion of medicare, that the ACA brought, it was a hobbled together bandaid for a gaping wound. I'm not really sure what Republicans are planning, I know many conservatives want removal of government/regulations period from healthcare, and I just don't see how that helps things. Costs were rising before ACA, I don't see how simply removing ACA causes things to be cheaper.
  17. Many localities have fewer polling places, which might make things look bigger.
  18. Well, I was so very wrong. I didn't think this country would vote for someone with his rhetoric, and indicated lack of intellect. I hope for the best for our country, fear for the worst. Congratulations to President Elect Trump. And congratulations to my peers here in PPP, I know you all were pulling hard for him. I hope he brings you guys good fortunes.
  19. It really looks like Trump has it... there's not enough people left in FL to count, so that's his. NC also seems to be trending his way, as well as MI.
  20. Bingo. My only real beef with Tyrod at this point is that we can't really depend on him to march down the field and score a TD in crunch time. Does he have to be 100% in doing it? No. But he's certainly gotta be better than what we've seen.
  21. Players try to do 'little' dirty plays all the time to impact the game, while not getting in trouble. By your slippery slope argument, he could have pulled out a shank and murdered him right there. No flag since he didn't. All is good.
  22. If we're going to throw an INT, it might as well be into the endzone... its not a lot different than punting at that point, so I've no real issue with it.
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