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Everything posted by Dorkington

  1. Ask me again after this weekend's game, and my vote may change. As of right now, though, I lean towards EJ.
  2. I'm in DC... but, I can't answer your questions, as this is my first time going to a game at FedEx Field.
  3. Well, they have been building HUGE data centers the last few years...
  4. There's also the question of scheme. Some players only work well in certain schemes, I think it's been proven that he's one of those guys.
  5. That qualifies us for the playoffs, right?
  6. If Pettine doesn't do better than Wannstedt, I don't know what to think.
  7. Oh, Jesus, that's more than long enough. I only live in a one bedroom apartment hah. Ok, cool. Thanks.
  8. Cable companies are recognizing this, and increasing the price of internet connections along with implementing data caps with overage charges. They'll get your money one way or the other.
  9. I'm planning on doing this myself, for when the season starts. Need to find a long enough HDMI cord though. Any knowledge on max length before signal loss?
  10. Hahahahahahha yesss
  11. Didn't Marrone mention 7 Offensive Linemen at one point? Or did I mishear?
  12. Because he wasn't driving under the influence, apparently.
  13. He's gone. He's not on the team. The people who drafted him (I think) aren't here either. Is he some sort of horrible person or something? I'm not defending him as a player, he was a bad pick, didn't work out for us, but that's about it. The celebration of this guy's cutting on another team, or the rampant hatred just seems weird to me. I'd understand if he was a giant douche, so maybe he is and I just don't know it like you guys do?
  14. Love seeing stuff like this.
  15. I highly doubt they'd limit it to one device. Google's revenues are largely based on advertising, that means getting your products on as many pieces of hardware as possible. That's why every device known to man has a YouTube app these days.
  16. Ok, so the hit is a little high. Not quite helmet to helmet. To me, it looks like he leads with his shoulder and an attempt at a wrap up, with how his arms are positioned. Not helping the problem, the WR crouches his body right before taking the hit, while Bostic is already in tackle motion. The original tackle motion was likely aimed directly at the mid section, but since the WR lowered himself, probably in hopes of getting his shoulder all the way down, he took the hit in his upper chest. I still don't see how this is an illegal hit. Definitely not worth 5% of a guy's salary.
  17. I would have been ok if the fine was for that (but a less severe fine).
  18. The part that really sucks is, that one hit, that one questionable hit... that looks like he uses his shoulders mostly AND wraps up the tackle, costs him more than 5% of his salary. Can you imaging having 5% of your salary docked for something so stupid?
  19. Yup, I'd be ok with that as long as the Sunday Ticket package isn't some obscene price. (I have a Nexus 7 that I use to play around with Android)
  20. Wait, he hit him with his shoulder primarily and it's an illegal hit!? !@#$ing ridiculous.
  21. I just assume that every injured Pats player will make a miraculous recovery come game day.
  22. On topic. Personally, I'd rather see Apple get it, because I have an Apple TV. BUT, if Apple opens up the Apple TV to apps, then I don't really care, as long as an app is released hah.
  23. Wonder if he realizes that a decent chunk of the internet runs on Google servers, and through Google's DNS.
  24. Love this comment: Well..... ok.
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