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Everything posted by Dorkington

  1. Two big missed throws by EJ, but I'll take a FG... Or not.
  2. We have a new bowling ball!
  3. Lets make a drinking game for how many times they get Bills players' names wrong.
  4. Have I mentioned that I hate Fox?
  5. 27-3, Panthers. (Predicted blowout for Pats last week and we almost won )
  6. Our D made him look like a HoFer. Kinda sad.
  7. GameDay First's analysts all predict the Panthers will win (and sounds like rather easily).
  8. FWIW, I'm logged in. I have a feeling their system gives priority to who logs in first. So if you're going to be streaming today, it might be worth logging in and just watching RZC until the game starts. Also, can we get a mod to change this thread title to NFL Sunday Ticket - Digital (or something that clarifies that this has morphed into a thread about digital versions of Sunday Ticket, not just PS3, and not the standard OTA version).
  9. Welcome to the Internet!
  10. Remember that time when we started something like 5-2? And we got a bunch of media attention? That's what winning does. Win games, get attention. Dunno what's so hard to understand.
  11. This got a good laugh out of me. At this point, I think we all know he hasn't panned out to be the game changer he should have been for the pick... but hopefully he can still be a solid DT.
  12. I'd dismiss the Bills too, if I had a 20-2 record or whatever vs them.
  13. Hah. I just want us to win this weekend's game first.
  14. I real life laughed at this. Well done, sir.
  15. Don't care who wins, since they are both 1-0. I guess ideally, I'd like to see the Patriots lose, since we are already down on tiebreaker to them, and we have two games left against the Jets. Maybe a few key season ending injuries to both teams would be nice, but I'm not one to wish injury on others.
  16. This is all very reasonable. I don't see anything wrong with suggesting that CJ won't hit 2,000. I'd actually rather see CJ get more short passes in space, vs running the ball 20-25 times a game. He needs space to work with, it's obvious he doesn't do great with running lanes in the middle.
  17. I really hope EJ's knee isn't a lingering issue. We just know some team, at some point, is going to go after it. (Surprised the Pats didn't, but maybe they didn't see him as a threat)
  18. Good to see he recognizes (or was shown) what he did wrong. Hopefully he takes the lesson into the rest of the season.
  19. Thanks for these.
  20. This is exactly how I feel now, as well. During the game, I just though they were calling bad plays for him, trying to stuff him in to the box without a hole, but now it appears he just made bad decisions. I was a bit quick to criticize Hackett for this.
  21. I like. Communication is good. Hopefully it produces wins.
  22. The All 22 footage showed that he missed multiple holes on Sunday. Hopefully it's something that is correctable, and he can get back on track. I couldn't care less if he gets 2000 yards though. I want to see him be productive and healthy. I'd rather us keep up a healthy rotation between him and Jackson, vs trying to put it all on him.
  23. I think we should use a weekly All-22 thread. With articles from various sources, and anyone else who watches the footage here. It's really quite educational.
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