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Everything posted by Dorkington

  1. This team has no discipline, even under Lynn.
  2. Fire Lynn, any HC that lets a team do something like that on a kickoff has no business being in charge of a team.
  3. If the goal isn't to make the playoffs, then by all means, get rid of Tyrod and go into next year with a 2nd year QB, and a rookie. Also try to offload any solid vet on the team for draft picks.
  4. I'm not calling Cardale a bust or anything, I just don't think he's good enough *yet* to let go of Tyrod, if our goal is to make the playoffs next year. Tyrod is better than other FA options, and it sounds like the draft isn't that great for QB this year.
  5. Only a quarter, but not exactly sold on Cardale enough to get rid of Tyrod.
  6. One thing I hope our next OC does is put in pass plays that aren't outs. We're incredibly predictable with our WR routes.
  7. Even though it didn't work, I liked that Cardale went up to the line and either called an audible or adjustments or something.
  8. I like EJ as an individual, but he doesn't belong on the NFL field.
  9. That stop by Seymour is something that Gilmore would have missed.
  10. Our front seven is terrible.
  11. While this is 'Rex's defense', hasn't Thurman been calling the defensive plays all year long, with Rob calling it within the redzone?
  12. Yet we're apparently going into next season with Cardale and whatever middling street free agent we can get
  13. This team is unwatchable.
  14. I agree with the poster that said this team is worse than their record.
  15. Well Darby isn't the answer at CB either, sigh.
  16. Two passes in a row that should have been caught, but also not great passes.
  17. This 'simpler' defense isn't doing us much good. Maybe we don't have as much talent as I thought.
  18. Also encouraging to see EJ step up in the pocket, first couple of years he generally ran out of the pocket. Unfortunately not getting results though.
  19. Forgot how hard EJ can throw it when he wants.
  20. To be fair... the Jets way (drafting a bunch of QBs and keeping a vet), and the Bills way (getting a middle of the road guy from FA) both fail more than they succeed..... in fact all methods of getting an elite QB fails more often than succeeds, since elite QBs aren't exactly common. If this upcoming draft was seen as a strong QB class, I'd feel a lot better about letting Tyrod go. but as it is, there's no clear upgrade available in FA or in the draft from what I can tell, so we stay put until there is. It's pretty logical imo.
  21. Sure, if it weren't the Bills. When's the last time we drafted a good QB? When's the last time we signed a good vet? Likely Kelly/Flutie... I'm extremely cautious about getting rid of the best QB we've had in a long time, even if he's not the best, simply because I don't trust us to get it right.
  22. I think those that 'support' Tyrod recognize he's a middle of the road QB, and that middle of the road is likely the best available to us right now.
  23. We're heading into next season with Cardale, a rookie, and some washed up vet. Just great.
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