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Everything posted by Dorkington

  1. The refs are from WNY.
  2. I can't believe that drive. Thanks Jets!
  3. Gonna get a stop, then score a TD+2pt
  4. Think it's time to do something else... O course they move the ball when I say that.
  5. Looks like we're drafting a CB or two this year...
  6. Looks like we're drafting a CB or two this year...
  7. Maybe we're giving them the ole rope-a-dope.
  8. I'm comfortable in saying that Geno is more talented than EJ, at this point. EJ, might have better leadership though.
  9. Man, my Sunday Ticket is messed up today. Keeps bouncing back and forth. :/
  10. Another year in the cellar of the AFC East. Fun times.
  11. Going to be interesting to see all the threads this week bemoaning not taking Geno *chuckle*
  12. Well... 3 is better than 0...
  13. Thank god for Jackson.
  14. Calling the same play over and over only works if you have actual options on it. :/
  15. Glad to see our defense get off the field that time, good series.
  16. Great job helping Geno, Kiko.
  17. Pettine needs to get this team ready for 3rd downs. I can't believe how bad we are at stopping conversions.
  18. I think we'll be doing more of a pressure-contain, personally. So I went with two. Plenty of QB hits, and a few interceptions. Oh, and I am not sure how a team gets a half a sack?
  19. Every time uniform discussions come up, there's a few posters that like to question others for caring. It's kind of amusing.
  20. To be fair, the Pats game was his first game back, and probably the most work he's put in since surgery (especially getting hit and all that). I don't think it's any big news that he had some soreness following the game. It'd be big news if it were sore still, though.
  21. Everyone says we are set at WR... but we've only seen two guys do anything on the field so far, Johnson and Woods. I'm not saying we should have kept Rogers, but we certainly aren't set at WR.
  22. This. It's basically common sense at this point, but for whatever reason it's a big debate.
  23. http://www.buffaloru...nning-touchdown I think this might have been posted already, but quick breakdown of the final play (and related, the 2 point conversion). -- Also http://www.buffalorumblings.com/2013/9/19/4746632/bills-vs-jets-2013-kiko-alonso-delayed-blitzing-all-22-breakdown About delayed blitzing.
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