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Everything posted by Dorkington

  1. Let's be real, Congress doesn't represent the people.
  2. I'm a fan of using a blind computer model to do it, in theory it should remove certain biases and make areas more competitive politically speaking.
  3. He hasn't had any major core injuries (like Manning) and his style of play doesn't depend on a big strong arm. As long as he doesn't get hurt, he could easily do it.
  4. This just in, coaching staff and front office work together to build roster.
  5. I'd still love to see single payer/universal be the default option here. But, with how we tend to operate on the government level (campaign financing, lobbying, contracts, revolving doors, etc) I doubt it would done in a cost efficient manner, since everyone has their hands in the pot looking for a profit.
  6. "Gold plated Medicaid" Things you only hear on Two Bills Drive.
  7. It's sad that there needs to even be clarification on this.
  8. This one is from 2015, but there's been multiple. http://time.com/3934980/right-wing-extremists-white-terrorism-islamist-jihadi-dangerous/ Terrorism is not unique to islam. They got a big one with 9/11, obviously, but since then white nationalism is winning the terrorist war in the US. The fact is, the US is pretty safe from islamic terrorism, but we still have plenty of mass casualty events outside of that.
  9. Oooooooh Alright, now things make more sense... I avoided this because I figured it was college basketball related, and I couldn't care less.
  10. I've clearly missed something Edit: I get it now... Are uh... non participants allowed to participate?
  11. Presidential elections should be decided by popular vote, imo. Every individual's vote should carry the same weight.
  12. All it took was a few weeks before Whaley and coach drama? Well done media.
  13. Do you believe Islam is a mental illness? Do you believe Muslims are a threat on the whole? Should they be banned completely from this country? I'm trying to figure out what would make people 'feel safe'. A lot of these attacks are home-grown, so I'm not sure how an immigration ban changes much. What are the options for dealing with Muslim citizens and legal residents?
  14. Would banning/jailing all Muslims result in the end of mass murder events in the US/Western countries?
  15. B-Man, why do you not source the text you post? You constantly copy and paste from articles on the internet without credit. Example: Your last post is pulled from: http://hotair.com/archives/2017/03/22/dem-intel-committee-member-adam-schiff-we-now-have-more-than-circumstantial-evidence-of-collusion-between-russia-and-trump-staffers/
  16. Whaley drafted him, he's a bust.
  17. Do you think it's possible that it takes time for most people to change their habits?
  18. Some mid round guy, or Cardale Jones, most likely. Any worthwhile vet would probably take up too much of our available cap space.
  19. To be fair, preventative healthcare is significantly cheaper than going to the ER with something terrible.
  20. Here's the thing, every POTUS takes time away from the White House, and for the most part the amount Obama, Bush Jr, Clinton, etc took off is all relatively consistent. And then there's Trump, taking most weekends 'off'*. So yeah, the activities might be the same, but the quantity does matter, imo. * - Even when a POTUS is on 'vacation' they are still 'working'... at least usually.
  21. We have to remember, they have to sell tickets. It's easier to sell tickets if the team has some talent, and a fighting chance at squeaking into the playoffs. They may expect 7 wins, but expecting 7 wins means there's a better shot at playoffs than if they expect 3 wins.
  22. I feel a poll coming on...
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