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Everything posted by Dorkington

  1. Because I forgot to cancel my Sunday Ticket renewal
  2. Resigned = quit/retired from football. Re-signed = signed a new contract with the same team, or sometimes extended an existing contract
  3. Doesn't matter what our talent or coaching staffs are... we're the Bills. It's a pretty sure thing we miss the playoffs at this point.
  4. Not gonna lie, I'm kinda hoping Peterman starts, because I'd like to see what we have in the kid before picking a new QB in the first round next year. But a healthy Tyrod is also good news, at the very least for depth at the most important position. Glad to see him back at practice.
  5. How the hell is this team favored by 9 over anyone?
  6. I thought Whaley did well in getting talent for his coaches, the problem is we changed schemes every year or two, and had some bad injury luck. (And also the coaches sucked)
  7. From the little I've seen in pre-season, I haven't seen Tolbert move an opposing player until he gets past the line of scrimmage. Which tells me he isn't a great option for short yardage. He doesn't really seem to keep his legs churning, he just weighs a bit more, so he's decent for blocking, or running through a second level defender. JWill might be better suited for short yardage, if he can squeeze through a gap in the line, AND keep his legs moving upon contact.
  8. Really surprised they haven't been more aggressive in lowering spending, as well. I know they've made some cuts, but not enough yet to offset some of the tax plans I've seen floating around. They've always harped on small government, low spending, paying down the debt, etc. This is the time to make it happen. If they wait too long, they might lose the votes to push things through.
  9. 26CB is slipping, I had to flip through pages to see what you people were talking about
  10. PPP sniping aside, I am curious what we'll be seeing from the Republicans, it seems there's been some rifts not only between Republican Congress and Trump, but also within Republican Congress on a few topics. They've been wanting to lower taxes for many years, they have the power to do so right now, so it'll be interesting to see if they can get anything passed.
  11. Request that the original post be updated as the next couple of days go, so that we don't have to dig through a multipage thread that will likely devolve into a Tyrod Taylor debate
  12. I know it's just preseason, but I really like how Peterman is looking. Crisp and quick decisions. Fits this offense better than someone like Tyrod (Tyrod fit last year's offense perfectly, so it's nothing against him).
  13. Selfishly, I hope he sticks it out. But for his sake, I kinda hope he just retires, or finds a way to an actual NFL franchise. He shouldn't be putting his long term health on the line at this point in his career, for this franchise.
  14. Wake me up when we make the playoffs.
  15. I liked what I saw, and I have no problem with them 'massaging' the stats to paint a more accurate picture of his performance. No one is arguing that he's a hall of famer so far, but it is logical to state that his final stats for the game aren't completely in line with his on field performance. He was more accurate than the numbers would indicate, and he should have also had a turnover, added to his line. He's still making rookie mistakes, but he's also making a lot of good throws. I'm excited to see more of his play, though it'll be a shame if it's due to injuries to our other QBs.
  16. I would. But there's no way Buffalo as a city would go for it. Also, he's much too expensive as a stop gap, when we have one in Taylor already.
  17. Surprised none of you have set his lawn on fire. The outrage is insane around here
  18. Tyrod is better at the moment, but we aren't a very good team. Might as well go with the rookie, to see what we have.
  19. Well, other than that stupid decision at the end, good series for Peterman.
  20. This is a grade A **** post
  21. Really depends on the colors/design of the rest of the jersey. If we are still wearing blue, then probably not. If it's heavy white and red... maybe? I really like our current gear.
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